Effective action that produces results that remedy the situation, - TopicsExpress


Effective action that produces results that remedy the situation, changes in attitudes and life styles, restoration of forests. Last night saw Cosmos on Nat Geo channel with an urgent call to stop polluting the atmosphere, stop destroying the forests, etc., by the likes of Neil deGrasse Tyson, Carl Sagan and many others worldwide and graphic examples of how life on this planet as we know is being drastically set back. The warning was Venus, the boiling planet where Global Warming is totally in control and life could not survive. A warning right next door to Earth. Will this be the legacy that humanity leaves ... the self-proclaimed Homo sapiens, or wise man? Brother! Sister! I sure hope not! My book The Wild Horse Conspiracy, just now finalized for its updated and further perfected edition, goes into how the horses, burros and other equids have a very important role to play in healing the Earth, if we humans would only let them fill their natural niche where they belong, including reversing the destructive effects of global warming. If interested you can check my book out at amazon/Wild-Horse-Conspiracy-Craig-Downer/dp/1461068983, or just amazon/dp/1461068983 The book is available both in print or as an eBook. It has a recently and thoroughly updated list of References and Index that will be of great use to all wild horse and burro advocates, and all horse and burro advocates, whether living free or under domestication. The book also outlines an intelligent and caring plan called Reserve Design for the restoration of the wild horses and burros in the wild, and provides a link to my latest peer-reviewed scientific article published in the American Journal of Life Sciences in January 2014 in which there is a map with 23 areas that should be appropriate to begin the Reserve Design set up for truly long-term viable, ecologically well adapted, and naturally self-stabilizing populations. This is what should happen, but we who believe in it must make it happen. It is up to those of us who care enough to act and a better idea for all of life.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 23:58:50 +0000

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