Egondu Okorie Essien Attah wrote: I AM A PDP MEMBER BUT WILL - TopicsExpress


Egondu Okorie Essien Attah wrote: I AM A PDP MEMBER BUT WILL VOTE BUHARI COME 2015. Unknown to many I am a staunch PDP member and am not ashamed to say it. I voted General Obasanjo twice for President and never regretted it. Obasanjo indeed has his faults but none can match his patroitism and his zeal to protect the nation from all forms of security threats. I voted for President Yar Adua because I saw an honest gentleman who wanted to make Nigeria great again but was bogged down by ill health and an evil cabal who chose to make capital out of his ill health. After that the tide turned when Goodluck Jonathan came on the scene. This is a man who rode shotgun while his principal looted Bayelsa State to the ground. This was a man whose body language was always at odds with morality claiming he was being forced by the then President Yar Adua to declare his assets. Isnt this an act he should have done gladly? And true to form on ascending to the Presidency he said on National tv that he does not give a damn about publicly declaring his assets. I was not fooled by his crocodile tears of I had no shoes dilemma. I voted Nuhu Ribadu. I have never been a Buhari fan. He represents the old guard. A past Nigeria will do well to forget. In this tech savvy world I cant imagine a man as old as my frail dad struggling to usurp the youth and guile I possess considering his time is fast spent and he should be living his days in sombre reflection and contemplation as the chimes of the end of life beckons. I support PDP because of the great leadership of the likes of Victor Attah, Donald Duke and Godswill Akpabio. Some see PDP as evil and destructive. Far from it. One shouldnt throw the baby away with the bath water when one looks at the calibre of men the party has groomed over time. Meanwhile APC in Akwa Ibom is run by a brigand and tout, Akpanudoudehe who mastermind one of the most blatant acts of violence in recent times in 2011. That singular act of callous destruction put the final nail in the coffin of support for APC in Akwa Ibom State. I will vote PDP for Governor any day for Godswill Akpabio has lifted Akwa Ibom State to a realm of dizzy heights and his scorecard speaks volumes of the man. Indeed he would have been a far better President than GEJ if given the chance but alas the South South has to waste its once in a lifetime turn at the Presidency on a great disappointment. However I am not disappointed. Every prediction on the woeful nature of GEJs Presidency I have ever made has come to pass. I dont care if he is from South South, Christian or Ijaw. The key is can he do the job? What has he done to benefit my people? Has he made Nigeria a safer and more prosperous nation? Has he fought corruption to a standstill? Indeed he has failed miserably. He has emasculated our military to the point that a rag tag army of terrorists have carved out a caliphate out of the soverign Nigerian state. We are still shouting #BringBackOurGirls yet Boko Haram kidnaps another 185 from the most militarised region of the country. Meanwhile Non Commissioned officers are sentenced to death for refusing to fight Boko Haram with their bare hands while their commandera smile to the bank with the bogus security vote meant to equip our troops being allegedly channeled into personal accounts. The same military that routed BH in 2009 under Yar Adua is now running and hiding in the hills under GEJ. Is this part of the transformation agenda? My state Akwa Ibom State is virtually cut off form the rest of the world as the roads from Cross River, Imo and Abia States which are all Federal roads are virtually death traps. One has to pray and fast for 2 days before acquiring Dutch courage to dare travel along these highways of death. Why then in all honesty should I vote GEJ? Many can bare witness of how my primary constitutency has been debased by GEJ. He has virtually killed public healthcare in Nigeria because he knows his wife and children can fly to Germany at a whim to treat malaria. I can count countless times we have had to complete a surgery using Nokia Torchlight Phone yet someone says the transformation train is running smoothly. Strikes, disillusionment and pure loss of morale has killed all the zeal of my colleagues to work. Of My class of over 120 Doctors more than 70 have left Nigeria and will never come back. More so under the misrule of GEJ. Why then should I vote for a man who can sack 16,000 Resident Doctors in one breath then reinstate them in the next breath as if he is playing a game of Ludo with his son? Why should I vote for a man who travels to represent my country men at the UN general assembly or AU conference and fails to mount the podium claiming a stomach bug for inebriation clouded his reasoning only to see him dance skelewu the next instant after a deadly bombing that killed hundreds of his countrymen when a sombre contrite word of reason would have suffice. Am still not 100% convinced about his contender, General Muhammadu Buhari. APC has far younger, more vibrant and less controversial figures in their midst like Babatunde Fashola, Adams Oshiomole, Kayode Fayemi, Rochas Okorocha, Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso or Even Rotimi Amaechi that will all beat GEJ hands down legs up, but alas Buhari-mania has clouded sound judgement. But again I am forced to weigh my options for it is between the devil and the deep blue sea. I prefer to swim in the deep blue sea with Buhari. He may not be my 1st choice for President but 4 more years of GEJ the devil we know, will lead Nigeria to total ruin. Buhari obviously must have a plan for Nigeria hence his persistence after 3 previous failed attempts. The man reminds one of Abraham Lincoln who failed to win elective office serially, but ended up being the one of the best Presidents America has ever had. That is what I hope Buhari will turn out to be and prove those who paint him as an ethnoreligious bigot wrong. 4 more years of GEJ? There will be no Nigeria in 2019. Boko Haram would have over run the whole North. Militants and their warships will carve the South amongst themselves. The corrupt would have looted the nation dry like a sucked orange and will run abroad to enjoy the spoils leaving the country in utter disarray and anarchy. Already civil servants are being owed 3 months salary yet money is mysteriously appropriated to buy fictitious stoves and wonderbags. Isnt this a prodigal misadventure that will lead to certain ruin. 1 Billion Dollars can mysteriously disappear from the nations treasury without an explanation besides a mumbling of the absurd. Is this kind of lifestyle sustainable? I maybe a PDP member, but I am neither stupid nor blind. Nigerias future lies forever bleak if GEJ is returned in 2015. At least with Buhari we may stand a chance to turn the corner. Continuity under GEJ is the path to certain death, destruction and ruin. The choice lies with Nigerians. Change the leadership and send a clear message that bags of rice coded as Stomach Infrastructural Development can not buy our vote to keep a corrupt inept Government in power. Or keep the regime and their rice only to be driven from our homes as Internally Displaced Persons, where their rice will count for nothing. This is my last post on Facebook till further notice. I will stay clear of political discourse until after the elections. I have said my piece and dont wish to flog a dead horse. Better to be silent and watch events unfold for the pressure from within and without is becoming too much to bare. Many from my place and party will call me a traitor and a sell out. So be it. But I will vote Buhari come February 14th 2015. 4 more years of GEJ is one nightmare I dont want to append my sinature to. Thats all. God bless Nigeria and deliver us from the hands of the rule of GEJ. Amen
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 08:50:50 +0000

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