Egypt Update: Jesus said: Heaven and Earth will pass away but my - TopicsExpress


Egypt Update: Jesus said: Heaven and Earth will pass away but my words will never pass away.” (Matt 24:35) The prophecy in Isaiah chapter 9 stated clearly that the Egyptians will know the Lord and there will be an alter for the Lord in the Land of Egypt. (Isaiah 19:19-21) After the Muslim brotherhood régime took over in 2012 I asked the Lord how and when will Egypt know you? Many Christians all over the world thought that after the Egyptians removed Moubark, Egypt would be liberated and the democracy would rule. This was not the case as the Muslim brotherhood rode the wave of the January 2011 revival and took over Egypt. The person in Heaven is Laughing (Ps. 2 : 4) one year from the date of the appointment of Morsi the words of Isaiah have begun to be fulfilled. We see today reports by Egyptian news stations and USA media that over 23 million Egyptians have begun gathering in all 4 corners of Egypt asking that president Morsi and his régime resign their post and flee from Egypt. God’s word is sovereign and will never pass away as he promised. I am following most of the updates from Egypt and I believe God’s hand is moving in Egypt and the Muslim brother hood will fall down and Egypt will be for the Lord as prophesied by the prophet Isaiah. Praise the Lord. Many reports indicate that the Muslim brotherhood will loose the little hope that they hold and will return Egypt back to its rightful owners. Please continue to pray and fast for God to free Egypt from the Muslim brotherhood and democracy will prevail in Egypt. If this happens in Egypt it will spread out to Iran, Iraq, Syria and even Saudi Arabia. There will be a highway between Egypt, Syria and Israel. At that time the prophecy at the end of Isaiah will be fulfilled (Isiah 19 : 23 ) I believe God allowed Islam for 1400 years because the weakness of the church, but now is the time for his church to pray and stand up for the Gospel. The final battle will be between Islam (the anti Christ) and God. My friends we are in the final chapter of human history and God wants to use his church in this last chapter to spread the Gospel everywhere before His coming. Let us continue praying for Egypt , Syria, Israel and for a revival in America before it is too late. “ Today is the day of good news and we remain silent. If we wait until the morning light punishment will take over us” ( 2 King 7:9).
Posted on: Tue, 02 Jul 2013 04:41:55 +0000

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