Egypt calls for serious movement from neighboring countries to - TopicsExpress


Egypt calls for serious movement from neighboring countries to enable Libya to restore stability 4 - Nov - 2014 Sameh Shoukry Foreign Minister confirmed that the situation in Libya is witnessing developments of concern to everyone and requires discourse and seriousness, in offering support to the brothers in Libya in order to be able to build state institutions and the restoration of security and stability and achieve their legitimate aspirations to progress and prosperity and to catch up with modernity. Shoukry stressed in his address to the external neighboring Libya countries Ministers Conference which was held in Khartoum yesterday on the need for the necessary criteria for the regional effort and international levels aimed at ending the Libyan conflict through dialogue, bringing together all the Libyans on one word . Meanwhile , on 17 - September The Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean participated in the Ministerial conference on stability and development in Libya, organised by the Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel García Margallo today in Madrid. The meeting, which was opened by the Spanish Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, aimed to address the deteriorating security situation in Libya and its impact and consequences on the neighbouring countries and on the whole Mediterranean region. The Conference gathered Ministers of Foreign Affairs from North Africa as well as high representatives of the EU, the Arab League, the African Union and the Union for the Mediterranean. The Conference gave the opportunity to the Libyan Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mohamed Abdelaziz, as well as to the new special envoy of the United Nations, Bernardino León, to give a detailed overview of the state of play of the situation in Libya as well as their views on the way forward. All participants expressed full support to the need of peace, stability and security in Libya. They also affirmed the commitment to work together to that effect. Addressing the audience, the Secretary General of the UfM, Fathallah Sijilmassi, underlined the importance of achieving stability and development in Libya to address national and regional challenges, acknowledging the very strategic role of Libya in the Mediterranean region: ‘Within the framework of its mandate, the UfM Secretariat stands ready to accompany and to contribute to the efforts of the international community for the stability and development of Libya’. The Heads of delegations were also honoured to be received by His Majesty Felipe VI, King of Spain. Meanwhile , The United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) has been in contact with various stakeholders to seek ways through dialogue to end the political and security crisis in Libya. There is agreement among the various Libyan actors that the way forward is to hold an inclusive political dialogue to tackle the crisis with a view to end the fighting and alleviate the suffering of the civilian population, ensure the political transition process is back on track and safeguard Libyas sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity. In this regard and after consultation with the Libyan parties, UNSMIL will call a new round of political dialogue to be held on 09 December 2014. A detailed announcement will be made in the next few days. And UNSMIL also expresses deep concern at the negative effects the military escalation is having on the process of political dialogue. The Mission has proposed to convene a new round of inclusive dialogue among Libyan stakeholders next week to seek ways to end the political and security crisis in the country and restore stability. The continuing escalation in the violence and statements threatening more military action do not help create the atmosphere conducive to hold this political dialogue. Furthermore, this escalation amounts to an attempt to undermine the dialogue’s chances. Consequently, all influential Libyan actors are called upon to do their utmost to ensure that this escalation ceases immediately, to give the dialogue in which all major Libyan stakeholders are taking part in the chance to succeed. UNSMIL is convinced that those seeking to undermine the dialogue through these attacks will not achieve their objectives. Libyans wish for this dialogue to be successful and will not be deterred from supporting and participating in it. The Libyan parties are reminded that under Security Council resolution 2174 (2014) individuals and entities that threaten Libya’s peace, stability or security will face targeted sanctions. The Secretary-General has called on the parties to end the attacks and prevent further escalation. At a ministerial meeting in Brussels this week, key members of the international community warned that if key stakeholders fail to participate in the UN-led political process they will consider additional measures to protect Libya’s unity, stability and prosperity. The International Contact Group convened by the African Union this week in Addis Ababa has called for an immediate and unconditional end to the fighting, and expressed support for resolution 2174. Only a few hours ago, foreign ministers of Libya’s neighbours who met in Khartoum with the participation of Libyan Foreign Minister Mohammed Al-Dayri called on Libyan parties to immediately cease armed confrontations and promptly engage in the dialogue called for by the United Nations. The Libyan parties are also reminded of their obligations under international humanitarian law, which prohibits attacks on civilian targets such as airports or ports or any other facility not being used for military purposes. However , Former Libyan Prime Minister calls for a general amnesty to achieve national reconciliation Zidane said that after what happened during the last three years of violations , assaults , theft of funds ,terrorize the families and the burning of houses, saying that the Cronies become a low degree of terrorism. Constituent body to draft a Libyan Constitution said, it is not interested in any political issues. Constituent body to draft a Libyan Constitution said, she is not interested in any political issues. The statement praised the people of the Green Mountain area and al Baiyda what they touched the of moral support, and to create the right conditions for the formulation of a consensus project meets the aspirations of all Libyans. Sources :
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 10:07:56 +0000

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