Egypt continues Jan. 2011 uprising June 30, 2013 To the - TopicsExpress


Egypt continues Jan. 2011 uprising June 30, 2013 To the international community, The Egyptian people call upon you to support their continued plight for freedom. Egypt’s popular uprising in January 2011 was not an incident that happened overnight. Egyptians had endured years of political instability coupled with economic woes under former President Hosni Mubarak, an autocratic tyrant who was at the end of his rule completely out of touch with his people. In January 2011, Egyptians from all walks of life took to the streets in a peaceful uprising that toppled a 30-year-old authoritarian regime. Unfortunately, our core revolutionary demands – bread, freedom, social justice & human dignity, as the slogan said – have not been realized in the two years since the fall of Egypt’s Mubarak regime. Removing Mubarak and his administration– at the time– seemed to be the answer to all of Egypt’s problems: by ending his eternal rule, the country would finally embark on a new path of freedom and justice. Over two years later, this has not yet proven to be the case. Apparently the Egyptians have toppled a Tyrany to end up with a fascist regime. An indicator is President Morsi’s insistence on ignoring the opposition and recurrent attempts to entrench the power of the group that propelled him to power, the Muslim Brotherhood. The blotched constitution that grants the president wider powers than ever before, the defiance of Egypt’s judicial system, the recurring clampdown on media outlets and journalists. Egypt’s foreign debt in one year since Morsi took power has increased over $10 billion, according to economists. The tourism sector is in shambles, as they are scared off by the repeated political turmoil. Frequent power and fuel shortages have further fueled Egyptians’ anger. But most of all, what angered people the most, is a presidency and a cabinet that denies all of these problems and boasts and imaginary democracy and economic prosperity. When Egyptians realized this president and the group behind him are driving the country into a deeper crisis, they decided to revolt again. We call upon you to urge your governments to denounce the fascist state led by Morsy and declare their support to the power of the people. Please spread this letter within your networks.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Jul 2013 07:47:49 +0000

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