Egypt rejected, represented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to - TopicsExpress


Egypt rejected, represented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to participate in any military action against the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant Daash, or even the use of land for the establishment of the Egyptian air sorties against the objectives of the organization in Syria and Iraq. He pointed out a number of military experts, and political analysts, he refused to Cairo to participate in any military action, due to the unwillingness of Egypt, because of the internal challenges of fighting terrorism. Where Major General Abdel Moneim Said, head of operations of the armed forces, former, in a special permit for the dawn, that the United States wants to occupy the Egyptian forces, the issues of foreign, even achieved internal goals that were sought by Washington, and especially in light of the strikes, which went to the cops, He pointed out that America is trying to attract the Egyptian armed forces to battle Daash, until things get out of control internally. He Said, that Egypt will not infringe on any Arab country, and will not be the cause of the bloodshed, and the response to reject the use Egyptian territory during the operation, the military, said Said, We will not allow the American military intervention in Egypt on behalf of the fight against the organization Daash terrorist, or the establishment of any military bases under any name. He Said, Cairo that the position of refusing to participate in any military action, due to the preservation of Egypts national security, states lurking. And item final statement of the Jeddah meeting signed Sameh Shoukry, and your po: contribute to every state in the overall strategy, while it be appropriate to participate in aspects of military action coordinator against organizing the Islamic State of Iraq, said Al-Saeed said Egypts participation is to provide military expertise for those areas, without the active participation of forces or territory. For his part, Dr. Said Allounda, expert international affairs, in a statement to the dawn, that Cairo against any military intervention against Daash, because Daash American industry in the foundation, as it was al-Qaida American industry, was eliminated after the end of the task assigned to it, pointing out that Egypt will not be a game in the hands of America and especially in light of this alliance suspect, pointing out that Cairo against terrorism in all its forms, and against the bloodshed. The Allounda, to be America decided to get rid of the terrorist organization Daash, after the completion of the task that was assigned to them, and want to implicate Cairo in this Alehaugh represented in the coalition. The text of the final statement to the foreign ministers of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), the Arab Republic of Egypt and the Republic of Iraq, and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, and the Republic of Lebanon, and the United States, declaring their commitment to the joint standing general threats embodied in all forms of terrorism to the region and the world, including the so-called organized (the Islamic State in Iraq). Participants praised in this conference, the formation of the new Iraqi government and inclusive for all Iraqi political forces, and expressed support for the immediate steps that have pledged that adopted for the defense of the interests of all Iraqi citizens regardless of their religious affiliation, or sectarian, or ethnic. He added that the participants in this conference are determined to strengthen their support for the new Iraqi government in its quest to unite all segments of the Iraqi people to confront the organization (the Islamic State in Iraq), also discussed strategy for the elimination of the organization (the Islamic State in Iraq) everywhere, whether in Iraq or in Syria. Participants in this conference their commitment to implement UN Security Council Resolution (2170), and pointed to the Arab League resolution No. (7804) issued on September 7 (September 2014), and to trading on the organization (the Islamic State in Iraq) during the NATO summit in (Wales). The Ministers underlined their commitment to continue efforts to eliminate international terrorism. We have agreed the participating countries to contribute to every state in the overall strategy to address the organization (the Islamic State in Iraq) .. This contribution includes: preventing the flow of foreign fighters from neighboring countries, and to stop the flow of funds for the organization (the Islamic State in Iraq) and other extremist groups, the rejection of ideologies hatred among these terrorist groups, and to hold accountable those responsible for committing atrocities, and put an end to evading the law, and contributing to the humanitarian relief efforts, and help populated areas which were exposed to the horrors of the organization (the Islamic State in Iraq), and through the reconstruction and rehabilitation, and support countries facing the threat bulk of the organization (the Islamic State in Iraq), and while it will be appropriate to participate in aspects of military action against al-coordinator (the Islamic State in Iraq) confirms that the countries participating countries in the region play a pivotal role in these efforts » View the original content on the electronic gate Dawn - Why refused to Egypt to participate in any military action against Daash?
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 16:29:39 +0000

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