Egyptian Bloods in the hands of Chanel 4 English TV. Egyptian - TopicsExpress


Egyptian Bloods in the hands of Chanel 4 English TV. Egyptian Revolution This is the TV channel t 4 hat support Islamic movements around the world and bring the violence’s, extremists and bloodshed in the Middle east and in to the Arab nation countries. Shame on you TV channel 4, How come you can talk about freedom, democracy and human right issues? You knew that there is no any single law, regulation and sentences in the Ghuran that have valued as freedom, democracy and human right but there are more than 500 sentenced in this book about killing, cutting hands and fingers, rapping the enemies wives and daughters, selling the wives children of enemies, trading the slaves around world having as much as you can wives, female& Meal slaves and servants. Shame on you TV channel 4 How come the Egyptian brother hood can talk about democracy and freedom when thy wanted to rule the country by Islamic Sherry Law? Why you are playing with freedom, democracy and human right issues and finally playing with life of millions around the world by bringing such nasty religious groups to the power and supporting this king of organisation to make such violence’s and bloodsheds to the world. This is you that brought Khomeini, Ben laden, Alghaedeh, Hezbollah, Hamas, Mercy and so on to the power and now you are trying to bring back again Mercy to the power in Egypt. Why? Wasn’t enough the killing of the innocent soldier at the middle of the day on front of the people eyes on the street just couple of months ago? That was the Khomeini, Benladen, Hezbollah, Hamas and Mercy messages So, why you are playing with the words? Shame on you Moslem brother hood came to the power by your leading and planning for your interests, beneficial and purposes but by support of Egyptian by mistake like Iranian mistake that cussed to Khomeini came to the power by your leading interests beneficial and proposes. But Egyptian came to understand very soon and released that Muslim Brotherhood are going to rule the country by Islamic Sharyeh law like the Iranian regime and vast majority of Egyptian came to the streets and ask the Muslim brotherhood to go away because that was not the regime that they wanted and their national army support their people . This is a democracy if you believe on democracy but you called it the coo data. Shame on you Muslim Brotherhood has just a million members and a few millions supporters. But, around 30 million people came to the streets and ask for change and you called it the coo data. Shame on you You are the Muslim broadcaster that gets support from Iranian, Saudi Arab and other Muslim regime around the world and broadcasting Muslim praying on your programs and certainly leading the Islamic movements around the world and that is why you called the Egyptian revolution a coo data. Shame on you Also I saw you conversation with one of the Muslim Brotherhood’s member with the name of doctor….. That I believe he was not a doctor…. that the bloodshed was coming from his eyes, beards, fingers, and face. How com you can support those king of people with the name of freedom and Democracy? Shame on you I am proud of the changes that is going on in Egypt and I wish Artemis IRanian army had such a brave commanders that could kinking out from Iran, the Islamic regime of Iran when the Iranian people had such a movements against this old factions, Anjoman Arabic Religious, dictator regime of Iran and could make release the Iranian people and the world people from such a nasty regime of Iran and other religious regime around the World. Thank You ARDALAN PORIYA Date: 15/08/2013 Channel 4 to play Muslim call to prayer during Ramadan Channel 4 will broadcast the Muslim call to prayer every morning during Ramadan - the religious festival which sees millions of worshippers around the world fast for a month.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Aug 2013 08:36:39 +0000

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