Egyptian Period First of Seven Heads, Kings, Mountains, - TopicsExpress


Egyptian Period First of Seven Heads, Kings, Mountains, Revelation 12:3, 17:9-10 3100 B.C.E. First Dynasty of united Upper and Lower Egypt is founded by Pharaoh Menes. 3000 B.C.E. Bricks are used by Assyrians and Egyptians. Cities are founded in Egypt and Sumer. The wheel is in use. Slave labor is common for next 5,000 years. Nature-gods are worshiped. 2800 B.C.E. The Egyptian Old Kingdom period begins. 2780 B.C.E. The first Egyptian pyramid is built. 2750 B.C.E. Legendary Gilgamesh rules Uruk, Sumeria. 2700 B.C.E. The Great pyramid of Giza is built by Pharaoh Khufu. 2697 B.C.E. Yellow Emperor, Huang-ti, rules China. 2500 B.C.E. Minoan culture flourishes in Crete. Indus river valley civilization begins. 2350 B.C.E. Sumeria conquered by Sargon the Great of Akkad. Yao dynasty in China. 2250 B.C.E. Yu-shun is emperor of China. 2200 B.C.E. Hsia dynasty begins in China. 2100 B.C.E. Middle Kingdom period of Egypt. Aryans invade the Indus valley. 2000 B.C.E. Northern European bronze age begins. 1950 B.C.E. Pharaoh Sesostris I invades Canaan. 1925 B.C.E. Hittites conquer Babylon. 1880 B.C.E. Patriarch Abram (later known as Abraham) and clan move from Mesopotamia to land of Canaan. Abram worships only the Almighty God, not the many nature-gods of surrounding cultures. 1869 B.C.E. Ishmael born to Abram by Hagar. 1860 B.C.E. Stonehenge in Britain is under construction. 1856 B.C.E. Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. 1855 B.C.E. Isaac is born to Abraham and Sarah. 1830 B.C.E. First Dynasty of Babylonian kings. 1819 B.C.E. Binding and offering of Isaac by Abraham on Mt. Moriah. 1818 B.C.E. Abrahams wife Sarah dies. 1815 B.C.E. Isaac marries Rebecca. 1800 B.C.E. Greek raiders in Greece. 1795 B.C.E. Rebecca gives birth to Jacob and Esau. 1780 B.C.E. Death of Abraham. 1760 B.C.E. Shang dynasty rules China. 1755 B.C.E. Esau marries Hittite-Canaanite wives. 1730 B.C.E. Semitic Hyksos invade Egypt. 1728 B.C.E. Hammurabi, King of Babylon, begins conquest of Mesopotamia, later authors Code of Laws. 1720 B.C.E. Isaac gives patriarchal blessing to the disguised Jacob in place of Esau. Jacob flees vengeful Esau to Paddan Aram to seek a wife. Esau marries daughter of Ishmael. 1713 B.C.E. Jacob marries Leah. 1706 B.C.E. Jacob marries Rachel, sons born to Jacob through wives and handmaids of wives. 1704 B.C.E. Joseph born by Rachel. 1700 B.C.E. Jacob and clan leave Paddan Aram and return to the Promised Land. 1697 B.C.E. Rachel dies giving birth to Benjamin. 1686 B.C.E. Joseph sold into slavery by his brothers and is taken as a slave to Egypt. 1673 B.C.E. Joseph is vice-Pharaoh of Egypt and marries an Egyptian, the daughter of the priest of On. 1668 B.C.E. Joseph is revealed to his brothers in Egypt. His father Jacob and brothers with their families move from Canaan to Egypt. 1648 B.C.E. Jacob dies in Egypt, is embalmed and buried in the Promised Land. 1600 B.C.E. Mycenaean civilization begins. 1594 B.C.E. Joseph dies in Egypt. 1570 B.C.E. Hyksos are expelled from Egypt. The temple at Karnak is begun. 1531 B.C.E. Babylon is sacked and burned by the Hittite king Mursilis I. 1500 B.C.E. Mohenjo-Daro in the Indus river valley is destroyed. 1447 B.C.E. Exodus of the nation Israel from Egypt under leadership of Moses, with Aaron and Miriam. Revelation to Israel at Mount Sinai in the wilderness of the covenant relationship between the nation and God. The Ten Commandments and other national laws revealed. Beginning of forty year wandering of Israel in wilderness for the refusal to enter the Promised Land. 1425 B.C.E. Alphabetic writing based on simplified Egyptian hieroglyphs developed for the Semitic language in area between Sinai and Syria and is spread by Phoenicians. Cataclysmic eruption of Santorin volcano north of Crete releases power equal to about five million Hiroshima A-bombs and is four times more powerful than the Krakatau eruption (see 1883 C.E.). Estimated to have generated waves in the Mediterranean Sea from 300 to 800 feet high. Some scholars date this eruption to coincide with the Ten Plagues of Egypt, in particular the darkness that could be felt, and the parting of the Red Sea. Destruction by fire of Knossos, capital of Minoan culture of Crete. Iron Age in India and western Asia. 1420 B.C.E. The golden Age of Egypt begins under Amenhotep III 1407 B.C.E. Israel begins the conquest of Canaan under Joshua. Age of Israelite Judges begins. 1379 B.C.E. Pharaoh Amenhotep IV abolishes all previous gods except the sun god; period of poor government. 1375 B.C.E. Suppiluliumas is king of the Hittites and with him a resurgence of power. 1366 B.C.E. Assuruballit I is king of Assyria. 1361 B.C.E. Pharaoh Tutankhamun restores traditional Egyptian gods. 1319 B.C.E. Rameses I founds the XIXth dynasty in Egypt. 1313 B.C.E. Pharaoh Seti I reconquers Canaan and Syria for Egypt. 1304 B.C.E. Rameses II, the Great, rules Egypt. 1300 B.C.E. Sidon becomes a prosperous Phoenician port. Abu Simbel temple is under construction in Egypt. 1298 B.C.E. Battle of Qadesh; both Pharaoh Rameses II and Hittite king Muwataliash claim victory. 1283 B.C.E. Rameses II makes peace with Hittites. 1275 B.C.E. Shalmaneser I, king of Assyria, begins territorial expansion. 1220 B.C.E. Pharaoh Merneptan has stone monument carved that mentions Egypts victory over Israel in the land of Canaan. 1184 B.C.E. Traditional date of siege of Troy. 1175 B.C.E. Egypt invaded by coalition of Sea Peoples, defeated by Rameses III. 1160 B.C.E. Elamites sack Babylon and destroy Kassite power. 1140 B.C.E. Phoenicians found the city of Utica in North Africa. 1125 B.C.E. Nebuchadrezzar I, king of Babylon, repels Assyrian incursions. 1122 B.C.E. Wu-wang founds Chou dynasty in China. 1116 B.C.E. Tiglath-Pilser I king of Assyria, restores Assyrian power. 1100 B.C.E. The Greek Dark Age begins. 1070 B.C.E. The Ark of Gods covenant with Israel is captured during a battle with the Philistines. Israels judge, Eli, dies. Samuel becomes Israels last judge. 1065 B.C.E. Pharaoh Rameses XI dies and the New Kingdom of Egypt ends. Smendes founds XXIst Dynasty. 1051 B.C.E. Samuel anoints Saul of the tribe of Benjamin as king of Israel. Joint rule by Samuel and Saul over Israel. Saul later consolidates Israel and wins victories over surrounding enemies. Saul begins to disobey instructions given in the name of God by Samuel. 1045 B.C.E. Codron, last king of Athens, is killed. 1028 B.C.E. Samuel anoints David in Bethlehem as Israels king in place of Saul. David becomes an exceptional Hebrew poet (Psalms), and warrior and leader in Israels army. Defeats Goliath of the Philistines. David becomes part of Sauls ruling court. Jealousy and fear of rebellion drives Saul to seek Davids death. David begins life as a fugitive. 1026 B.C.E. Death of Samuel. 1011 B.C.E. Saul and sons are killed in battle against the Philistines. Israel
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 11:46:26 +0000

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