Eight things you dont know about me: (not sure there are eight - TopicsExpress


Eight things you dont know about me: (not sure there are eight things to know about me, period! Dadgummit, Leslie! Ha!) 1. I havent worked in 11 years (this month!) and I HAVE to find a job. Preferably something that doesnt involve the public. Any ideas?? 2. I dislike the public! People are way too self-involved and impatient for me. Plus, theres just way too many of them outside of my house!! 3. Its possible that IM the one whos way too self-involved and impatient to deal with people. I know everyone is fighting their own battle, not just me, and I should relax and try to give more than I expect to take. Nobody said Life is supposed to be easy, after all. I said its possible, mind you, not probable. Ha! 4. One of the best feelings in the world is no longer being plagued by my malfunctioning baby basket. Yay for hysterectomies!! 5. Once youre my friend, its FOREVER. If we dont talk for two weeks or twenty years, its irrelevant. Maybe our daily schedules dont coincide, but I will always be here for you! I love my friends!! 6. I am a HUGE, lazy slob. My house is in a perpetual state of disaster, so if I dont clean up before you get here, please dont take it personally. I would rather take a beating than organize anything. Whatever I do is immediately undone by the kids or the cats, so cleaning, I believe, can actually be harmful psychologically! Right? Can I get a Heck Yeah? No? Well, I keep the laundry & dishes caught up and the loose dirt swept off the floor, and Ill mop if I start sticking to the floor...theres just clutter everywhere. 7. I am afraid to parallel park. I was actually halfway into a BIG space at Chesterfield yesterday, and I chickened out and pulled up under the tree instead. I have a massive fear of failing. And crashing. 8. I have never really been on my own or put myself first, but Im learning now. I have such a wonderful circle of support. My family and friends are such blessings, I couldnt make it without you! I have to keep reminding myself that if Im just brave and faithful enough to leave it all behind and step out toward Jesus, I cant fall. He will always catch us! Whew! Have a blessed, beautiful day! I love you!!
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 12:02:08 +0000

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