Eight years ago today Darin and I had to make the hardest decision - TopicsExpress


Eight years ago today Darin and I had to make the hardest decision of our lives by letting go of our baby boy. We love and miss you Cale always. Please continue to touch our lives! By Christina Farris — Dec 24, 2006 9:33pm This is post from a very good friend of ours and it really touched our hearts and hit home those last few hours of his life. Thank you Leah!! Good Afternoon…Sorry for such a late post…It’s been a very emotional 24 hours…For those of you who have followed Baby Cale’s story and prayed specifically for his healing, I want you to know that he is healed…Today he walks for the first time…Today he is basking in the glorious radiance of our Lord…Today finds him without sickness, hunger, or pain…Today, Cale lives in a place our Father has planned and built just for him, Heaven… I saw God in many places during those heartbreaking hours… I sat quietly witnessing God comfort two parents with such broken hearts…God came to this family through those we would expect to be there, and also a few you wouldn’t necessarily expect…I saw God working through his nurses, doctors, friends, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and Cale’s siblings… I saw a father standing in the background burdened with the site of his daughter kissing the forehead of his grandson singing, “You’re a big boy…You can do it,” for what must have been hours just trying to keep Cale stimulated enough until more family arrived…There was nothing he could do to spare his daughter such ultimate pain…My heart literally cried out loud for this man…One who could easily take on any number of characters even on his worst day, but only stood in the background, crying…That was most likely the closest thing to what God must have felt, as Christ’s enemies beat and mangled is son’s body, that I have ever seen…I saw God I saw a mother comforting her daughter while at the same time literally annointing Cale’s body as she gave him his last bath with a small amount of soap mixed with buckets of tears…I was reminded of the love that Mary Magdalene showed for Jesus as she fussed about washing his feet as they had never been washed before…Just like Mary, this grandmother washed the feet of Cale with more love and passion than they had ever been washed with before…I saw God I saw his oncologist walk into the unit in the middle of the night even though Cale was actually a patient of PICU instead of the Peds Onc Unit...Cale belonged to him, and he stayed close to his side…Our Dr. K~ was there, studying the numbers, checking in repeatedly, offering words of comfort, listening to words that were imprinted with confusion, denial, pain, and dread from Cales’s parents…I saw God I saw a nurse experienced and conditioned to the agonizing difficulties of any PICU stand solid never wavering, but yet so mindful, compassionate, strong, and touched by this moment...I saw God I saw Cale’s older brother and sister sleeping in absolute peace while family members stood by unable to control their sobs, lights illuminating the room so brightly, monitors beeping, and the droning sounds of the ventilator…A force was present protecting these children from witnessing such profound sadness, but kept them close in the sites of their parents…I saw God I saw two nurses who had the night off drive in from nearly an hour away to simply be there for this family…Their tears were real, their love is real…The knowledge that their job doesn’t stop at the end of their shifts hit me like a ton of bricks…When a person is strategically positioned in a place to do His work, it becomes their life…I saw God When I came down stairs to check on Nathan, I found him on the phone talking to Monty about his feelings of Cale’s circumstances…Nathan’s heart was so full of love for a child he had mostly heard about, but it didn’t matter…When it was time for me to return upstairs, he asked me to whisper something into Cale’s ear, “Hit the ground running and catch as many butterflies as you can.”…I saw God Allowing yourself to see God is the only way to find any sort of comfort in such a horrible time as the one I witnessed…. I believe that God will reveal understanding in His own time and place…And isn’t His time and His place such a world of difference compared to our time and our place…We only think that we can find complete happiness on earth, but God knew that would be impossible due to all the evil forces present in this world…But this world is not ours, Heaven is the gift that God has given to all of His children…I stand firm that Cale is a child of God, I praise Him daily for knowing that Nathan is a child of God, and I stand in shame, as a child of God, knowing how much sin my own life contains, yet at the same time praise Him for burying my sins in the ocean’s floor and tossing them as far as the east is from the west…Thank you God for opening my eyes to see You
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 20:07:25 +0000

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