Einstein had a theory and it was all wrong because of a minus sign - TopicsExpress


Einstein had a theory and it was all wrong because of a minus sign (-) instead of a plus (+) sign in his equations. Great men do make mistakes too, like you and I, if it is any consolation. Quoting the article: -------------- It was trying to solve a big problem of the day [1930s]. An astronomer named Edwin Hubble had just observed that everything in the universe is moving outward. Today we know that the universe started in a Big Bang and is still growing. But when Einstein was working on this idea, most people still believed the universe was static and unchanging. This is pre-Big Bang, ORaifeartaigh says. Thats the fascinating thing about it. Faced with evidence that the universe was growing, Einstein apparently wanted to figure out why it wasnt filling up with empty space. His proposed solution is in this newly discovered paper. As the universe expanded, he suggested, new matter showed up to fill the gaps. New stars and galaxies would just pop up, according to Einsteins model, so that even as the universe grew, it would look the same. ------------ npr.org/2014/03/20/291408248/einsteins-lost-theory-discovered-and-its-wrong
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 07:40:21 +0000

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