Eji Ogbe This is a repost and an addendum for clarity: This Ose - TopicsExpress


Eji Ogbe This is a repost and an addendum for clarity: This Ose Ifa’s dafa for this week temperature check on Ile Iwosan Orunmila Mimo Temple, its leadership, it membership and the programs that are in process of doing or setting up; also, the questions that were asked was to have a discourse with Ifa and Orisa on what did Ifa see our journey as an organization of Ifa and Orisa. We recently had a serious removal of people from our worship services and our temple roles as members because of their inability to respect our Ifa, as well as the temples leadership, teaching, and training. They are as follow Iyanifa Fayoyin Omipariola, and Iyanifa Ogunrinu Yvonne Moore, who has since made membership with a more controversial teacher where I am sure she will be taught the finer art of deception and duplicity and Rose Lima, this is specific from the Arizona house. Only one of this group is an ase omo meaning who has initiations from our lineage and that is Ogunrinu. Omipariola was not a member but came to worship and received services from us with her husband, Sangofemi. It is never my intention to air our laundry let others do this but I see that with so much evil being portrayed on Ile Facebook it is time to stop and reflect for a few days and step back from the evil that will truly engulf all of those who are in this mayhem… For the above people who are still tendering slander as I promised Ifa for 32 days to pray for their spirits I will continue to do so ase… Much of their behavior had been forewarned by Ifa months before they showed their intentions and more even when their negative work was seen, justified, and forgiven we still allowed them access to our place of worship, prayed for them, helped them despite the duplicity. History and Philosophy Thus, Ifa has spoken on this issue and more in this Eji Ogbe. I, truly, as a leader and Founder of this organization have been called “bourgied as in bourgeois class system” or uppity thinking too much of oneself. Yet, for the truth of it; I am, while raised on the Southside of Chicago, in the Grand Boulevard district; I never knew I was financially challenged as a child or deprived. I went to private school for a while and was a part through my grandparents and parents of many charitable organizations, and political social organizations (Northern Association of Colored Women, Grace Lee Steven’s Club, Jessie “Ma” Houston Prison Ministry, Operation Push, and the list goes on) because my parents, grandparents were members of elite African clubs which help them to move ahead socially. I was raised to think well of myself and others but not too lower my standards and to be a good person. Yet, my fighting skills came from living for 8 years in the Washington park homes projects on 3983 South Lake Park Ave, in apartment 808, where the first person that said my brothers and I spoke like “white people” and tried to hurt us came back with nubs. So, in this, while now we have learned to allow Ifa, Orisa, and our ‘otherworld’ spirits to fight our battles in the context of Ifa; we will diligently pursue our goals and maintain our education in Ifa spiritually, politically, and aggressively. This organizations is not above others and may in many instances is not as financially stable but we work hard, organized and honest. We do not and will never apologize for our abilities because others are insecure and think less of themselves. And use this as an impetus to tear us down so that they feel elevated. For those who have left this temple either boldly or clandestine; we wish them well in their lives and hope that as with anything that is done in malice; that they received all that they deserve in life. We have shared information as we have been taught by our Oluwo, we have and still do charitable work with limited help, and those who support us have done so with good hearts, good and clean hands; thus, I will never stand by and allow their name and good works be sullied by unhappy, mentally unpredictable and who do not want others to have a good and happy life. May the Orisa bring you peace? Eji Ogbe lfa says it is a matter of deceit I chorus that it is a matter of deceit Orunmila the Bara Agbonirregun Orúnmìlà asked them to go and bring the person who engages in self deceit to him They brought Alára. They said that Alára was engaging in self-deceit Alara said that what evidence did they have? Alara claimed that he was not deceiving himself Orunmila declared that Alára. was not deceiving himself They brought Ajero They said that Ajero was engaging in self-deceit Ajero said that what evidence did they have? Ajero claimed that he was not deceiving himself Orunmila declared that Ajero was not deceiving himself They brought .Owarangun-Aga They said that Owarangun-Aga as engaging in self-deceit Owarangun-Aga demanded for evidence of self deceit Owarangun-Aga said that he was not deceiving himself Orúnmìlà declared that w Owarangun-Aga as not deceiving himself They brought Obaleyo Ajori they said that Obaleyo Ajori was engaging in self deceit Obaleyo Ajori said that he was not deceiving himself Orunmila agreed that Obaleyo Ajori was not deceiving himself They said that they did not know the person deceiving himself Orunmila asked them to go and bring someone who gave birth to a set of twins And the twins died And she was given two carved images to represent the twins They brought the woman to Orúnmìlà Orunmila declared that this was the person who engaged in Self deceit She was advised to offer ebo She complied Now four big babies for me alone Four hefty babies for me alone Omo-Táyé is a baby, truly Omo-Keyindé is truly a baby And Alaba is also a baby But my own baby is ldowa, the owner of selected Okun beads Four big babies for me alone What happens to us when we engage in self deceit? In our society though, micro-waved efficiency, we tend not to want to let go of things. If the material has economical value and we have lived deprived lives; we hold on until it is thread barren or as a hoarder in need more space to load more unnecessary stuff. In the above Ita- story from S.S. Popoola’s work on Eji Ogbe, it is a twisting parable which speaks on self deceit and as it comes through dafa; Ifa warns us about how painful it must be to hold on to untrue images within our mind but because we fear losing; we dig in and bury the truth because it hurts so much. As an example I posit this story from my own life; years ago approximately 40, with my first husband, I was pregnant with twins. I had previously lost a pregnancy and so I desperately wanted my babies. Even though I had two daughters, there was a pregnancy that I had previously aborted before these twins which had me so filled with guilt and in anguished that when I became pregnant right after this one; I became obsessively clinging to the notion of being extra careful. What I was feeling was the foreboding of precognition about the pregnancy and did not want to believe the dreams and sightings I was getting. I would call to my babies in the womb and would talk to them all the time. Then, one day they stopped moving in my womb. My heart stopped. I became even more frightened when I started spotting blood. But I knew something more was wrong. My husband called for an ambulance and I was rushed to the hospital; where I lost my twins. It was a pain that I thought I would never get over. My four month fetuses were gone; I was devastated and inconsolable. Holding on to the image of these children was not acceptable and living as if they were still there in my womb was not in truth. It was a situation of pain that I found so difficult to accept. I blamed Olodumare, Ifa, and Orisa for letting my babies die. In self deception; I was rolling in blame of everything but nature’s way of correcting a problem pregnancy. Holding on to the event, the spirit of the children, the sadness did not bring me anything but anguish. Ifa says these persons for whom this Odù is revealed needs to be warned against engaging in self-deceit and refusal to see the truth about any and all circumstances in their lives and the life of this temple. Ifa says these persons are working him/her self up over what has already been spoilt without having a thought on how to have a new and better one. He/She are placing their hopes on something that could be of no benefit to him/her anymore; whereas he/she still have the chance to secure another one that can be very useful. Ifa says that the person for whom this Odù is revealed needs to cast his/her mind off what is clearly lost, spoilt or damaged and concentrate his/her effort instead on how to get a better replacement. Meaning never mind the detractors who were sent to keep your mind on their problems and not the growth and the development of our organization. Let, their foolishness and evil betrayal go; they will find when the next organization allows them in their doors; they will do the same thing to them they have done here and with impunity and exemption from recrimination and have had freedom from the unpleasant consequences of their actions. It does not mean we do not protect ourselves or our people but we move forward and do not worry about what people like this will say or do because they have the ase of Orisa and Ifa on their heads thus to are accountable to Ifa, Orisa, and their ancestors. The ebo materials here depend largely on the damaged, spoilt or lost thing which needed to be replaced. What needs to be replaced here is what Ifa knows. Ifa says that this must be done as quickly as possible so that it will not be too late for the person for whom this Odù is revealed. The ebo has been done and ebo da! On this aspect, Eji-Ogbé says we must stand up and never leave your enemy behind you they are bush back whackers. Eji Ogbe III Ifa says these persons for whom this Odù revealed is about to consider having a change of environment - a change of home, a chance of work or workplace, a change of school, a change in vicinity and so on. If he/she is contemplating this or even a change of spouse, he/she is strongly advised against such move as it can only lead to misfortune, pain and disappointment. It is true that we have considered returning to California for the climate of Ifa is better in this area because we do not have to fight non believers in Ifa as strongly there as here but the competitive nature and viciousness of people in the Diaspora it may be more problems than it is worth. Plus we are in a pioneering position to open opportunities and do different things in Ifa that are innovative and forward thinking. Therefore, in a place like Arizona with its disdain for anything African, yet it has the vortexes of energies that are so prevalent for Orisa worship and more. Here is where we can train in the true sense of the word priest for Ifa not only in the art of Ifa but in the art of true ability to counsel. How we are doing this in our community is in many cases incomprehensible and cruel. Here in the desert, one learns how to have compassion and care for others rather than seeing only the worst in people but the best. But the optimum note here is to be able to see spiritually and beyond what is classic. We must learn to see, explore, and discover what Ifa wants us to see. Humility is key. This is one of the most serious and most important aspects of Ifa-Eji 0gbé. A stanza in this Odù says: The nail with its broad base He was the Awo who cast Ifa for Olomo Agbo-Esie When coming from heaven into the world He was advised to offer ebo He was also told not to go Olomo Agbo-Esie was a permanent resident in heaven. One day, he decided to change his environment by coming to reside on earth on a permanent basis. He therefore went to Ogbagba-Abidi-ku, his Awo in heaven for Ifa consultation. His Awo however advised him never to change his environment at that material point in time as Ifa Eji-Ogbé was opposed to any change of abode, work, career, relationship, etc. whenever it was revealed during consultation. Olomo Agbo-Esie had nonetheless made up his mind to change his place of abode. Without minding the warnings of Ifa, he left for earth. While on earth, he was faced with untold hardship. Human beings began to eat his body. He became lean and haggard. When this suffering became unbearable, he returned to heaven unceremoniously. The day he reached heaven was the day he went straight to the home of Ogbagba-Abidi-ku, his Babalawo, where his elder berated him for his stupidity of leaving and not following the advice of Ifa. He now followed the advice of Eji Ogbe and with new help he was able to return to earth with no problem and be prosperous. It can at times be very frustrating when you have some people who do much in an organization and then there are those who do little and expect much from the same organization not realizing that it takes work, tenacity, and faith to build and grow in this tradition. This organization is a dues based organization and there are 10 families around the country and in Phoenix with affiliate’s students who are initiated by others but have come to us for lessons. The frustrating aspect comes when there are splintered loyalties, an expectation to do more but put in less work, and gossip when there should be conversation. My rule: If you want to know something about what I personally am doing ask me? Here in this organization the expectation is for those who are initiated to be hungry and want more do more. If you do not know ask Ifa? Do what your Odu Ifa tells you to do? But if you want trouble then by all means do not do your ebo’s? Here again Ifa lies outs some very simple rules of engagement: Follow your Ifa, we do! For those frustrated in their marriages, Ifa does warn us not to move away from our spouses. Yes, it is hard to be with people who do not respect what you do, and above all may not even like you for what every reason. We are Ifa people and can find solace in what Ifa is saying because Ifa is working on this person. We have to be willing to be open and understand the intricate forces that are at work to make you leave. Poverty, anger, fear, jealousy, listening to bad counsel of those who want what you have but are unwilling to work for it. You must learn to fight for your families as well as your rights. You must be clear, concise, and focused on what you know in Ifa to salvage your relationships as well as your lives. It does not mean for you to be abused emotional, spiritually or even physically. It means to be clear in each resolve to be the priest of your family but still say, I love and care about you but you must change to what Ifa says you are to be. Ifa will either keep them with you or Ifa will move them not you. You however, should not ever take any type of psychological abuse and demeaning of your character. You do not deserve this however; make sure that you are not being an Orisa bully either. Ire O! Iya Abiye Awo Agbaye, Oloye Fayomi Falade Aworeni Obafemi Ile Iwosan Orunmila Mimo Temple 4311 North 80th Lane Phoenix Arizona 85033
Posted on: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 19:04:42 +0000

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