//Ekawa says You are just desparate just as allah of islam - TopicsExpress


//Ekawa says You are just desparate just as allah of islam is,because for sure,if he the God of Abraham,he wouldnt defend himself in such a way that those who believe in those previous books.// So who did Abraham pbuh preach the message to? Only those who already believed? This ideal of yours shatters every prophets books in Christianity considering each was suppose to have called people away from idolatry and to turn away from their false worship especially In the OT. Secondly , He wasnt defending Himself . Allah is all powerful and no one (NO ONE) could ever hurt Him so He doesnt have to defend anything. Those ayahs were to comfort the prophet Muhammad (saw) because he feared the fire of hell for people , he wanted to save them and they abused him and his heart was sad. So the Quran is telling us who was abusing him and how we should respond . //If those people are idolatrous, why then do you derive circumcission from them?.// Do you have prove that the idol worshippers that Abraham pbuh called to the oneness of Allah practiced circumcision ? Furthermore , in Islam , circumcision is not a sign of a covenant like it was in the bible. Our prophet Muhammad pbuh said it was a part of his Sunnah and his Sunnah is an important part of our faith. He wasnt circumcised until later in life when called to do so. So where does the whole getting the circumcision from the idol worshippers fit in here? //Allah of Islam is totally an idol according to the following,1-He doesnt hear any language except arabic, // ya Allah the new lies invented against You by the disbelievers . Ok I will compose myself and assume that you truly have no clue why we pray in Arabic for our obligatory salah and the difference between salah and dua. Good news! We can make dua (supplications and prayers in our own words in our own languages) . The reason we pray salah in Arabic (is not for Allah to understand ) but because what we are reciting was given in Arabic and any translation can provide a meaning not intended so we are reciting EXACTLY what was given to us by Allah swt. Another reason is that it unites Muslims so that when the Quran is recited , it doesnt matter where we are from , what race we are or what our mother languages are..... We all know what is being recited and we pray together as one UMMAH . It unites us subhanAllah in such a beautiful way. Such is the wisdom of Allah. Prayer as in dua on the other hand we can make all day whether driving , or laying down in any language. We make call out to Allah before we do anything and we glorify Him after. However and whenever we please. We have 5 that is obligatory, but all day long we can praise our Allah and we are encouraged to do so. //2-he is only found in one direction// If that were so then we couldnt make dua at anytime at any place. Once again you are taking our obligatory salahs and making false assumptions. From this point I can see you have never read Quran or the hadiths for yourself. //.3-he is weak and cant fight for himself,thats why there is jihad and thats why youre angry with me becoz i have blasted him,// Pure blasephemy . You do know that in the bible that God called for wars against the evil disbelieving people , and here you call Allah/God weak astaghfirullah . Im not angry with you I feel pity in my heart for the words you have uttered and I implore you to seek forgiveness for the evil of your words. Deuteronomy 20 King James Version (KJV) 20 When thou goest out to battle against thine enemies, and seest horses, and chariots, and a people more than thou, be not afraid of them: for the Lord thy God is with thee, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt Romans 13:4 - For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to [execute] wrath upon him that doeth evil Indeed Paul was afraid of war once he came into power because he no longer had his army to back him so he tried I mix things up, but are you calling God the creator in your own bible ...weak? Astaghfirullah seek forgiveness from saying such things //4-he only hear and recieves prayers at a specific time. // Once again, your sources are mistaken and what you are saying is against Islam and if this was the thought we had it would put us in the fold of being kufr astaghfirullah . Your assumptions are based off your misunderstandings in trying to comprehend what we do and why. -sister AlsoA
Posted on: Sat, 03 May 2014 13:13:05 +0000

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