El-Rufai, some call him Hell Rufai and other derogatory names is - TopicsExpress


El-Rufai, some call him Hell Rufai and other derogatory names is not my mentor, not my ideal politician, not a man I admire with respect to his political stewardship. He has more enemies than admirers. Who doesnt know and hate this petit sized man? Is it the Leadership of the National Assembly who he embarassed of being corrupt, he openly accused 2 principal officers of seeking to collect filthy lucre from him to confirm him as a Minister, what of his bulldozing career, when several houses and mansions were pulled down, what of the tirades, what of his ballistic verbal missiles, what of the lack of sympathy as reported in some quarters that he never condoled with the bereaved families, victims of Boko Haram, but kept on lambasting the Presidency...Genuine reasons for anger? Very credible!...El Rufai is a thesis topic, this space cant do justice to this controversial citizen! But then, a certain Hamza Rufai, his son died in an auto crash. Trust Naija people, all manner of moral injunctions has been brandished! His son died because of The Dads sins and all sorts of crap. Judges! They ignore the fact that we are all sinners, most of us do worse things than Rufai, the only difference is that while El Rufai is in public gaze, we are, most of us are unsung, out of the public gaze out of the piercing watchdog prying eyes of the public where people judge us. We ignored the Bible which chastised us from judging. The Holy Writ which said we should endeavour to remove the specs in our eyes before removing that from others. The same scriptures that said he who has not sinned should cast the first stone! By the way, when do people only lose their loved ones owing to their sins? I dont know where this reasoning is coming from. But thats by the way! El Rufai has lost his son, spare him your diatribes and pray for the repose of his son or be silent!... This is no time to lay wreath....Good nite!
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 18:57:03 +0000

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