El Salvador Day 3, What better way to start the day then with a - TopicsExpress


El Salvador Day 3, What better way to start the day then with a quad bike ride through a coffee farm!! And no injuries which is probably a bit lucky considering both of our driving records. Today was time to cup the 2013/14 SuperSonic lots. This extremly tentative Natural featured as one of our favourite single origin filter and espresso coffees last year and was also the reason for Ona Signatures fruity profile. SuperSonic involves extremly selective picking of only Mauricios perfectly ripe purple cherries. They are then dried as slowly and carefully as possible. This particular process is a one and only coffee prdocued now for Ona Coffee and Project Origin. We got to see some of this coffee on the drying patios yesterday and the cherries smelled like a very fine fortified wine....supersweet, clean and a fruit-bomb. Cupping these coffees was a memorable experience as naturals almost never cool this clean on the aftertaste. With almost no repose (rest). Scoring at an average of 87+ which is incredible for natural process this fresh. With a cup profile of micro lot standard Mauricio, Chuz and his entire team of pickers and guys on the mill are doing incredible efforts as we will be getting this high standard coffee by the container load in a few months. On the table was also a little surprise. This cup had the most distinct lime weve ever experienced before, really sparkling acidity like a perfect riesling, full bodied, clean, creamy and super long aftertaste of sweet spice and macadamia. Everyone scored this cup consistenly 90 points. We will be buying all of this washed pacamara micro lot from finca himalaya...YEAHHH BABY this will be one of our best singles for the year. We spent the arvo cupping cherries straight from the tree. Last years CoE #2 farm Mauricios Tablon El copo gave us the most delicious cherry. With tree after tree of red bourbon which cherries were tasting of distinct rockmelon. Just up the hill a new microlot of Pacamara, although not fully ripe yet was giving us an incredible dried apricot tasting cherry. Days like today make us so happy that we are working with the right producers. This years harvest has been one of the toughest of late, with random rain and weather patterns and one of the most aggressive Roya outbreaks ever seen, today really shows just how commited to quality Mauricio and his team are to face such tough conditions and still produce better and better coffee. Talk soon, Sasa and Gus.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Feb 2014 06:18:05 +0000

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