Elbereth took the final turns till she found herself in the - TopicsExpress


Elbereth took the final turns till she found herself in the caverns of the Society. The spirits collected here was heavy as usual and felt calming to her. She did not plan to enter into their gates, but this meant Shaviri was close. Elbereth enjoyed speaking of a Lich who would help a tired traveller or lost child. She used this tale to show that even evil beings can be good at heart deep down. Shaviri was said Lich. He had given an ear to Elbereth long ago when she found herself lost in the twisting caverns owned by the dead. He kept her from venturing too far in fear she would then get lost in the Drows realm. She looked down the path to the Society gates and sighed. If it had not been for her old teacher, she would have returned. Even maybe return to give her wisdom to some of the younger generations. Either way, as of now she was meant to find her dear Lich. The further she walked, the lights began to dim. Surrounding giving into the mist of death. She knew there was no one place He would be. He roamed as if this was his cavern. The walls were cold and her only light was a torch that would soon fade. After many hours the torch had faded and she resorted to the use of her hands. She had some vision in these dark places due to the countless years down here but her racial background still betrayed her enough. The mist was too thick and she began to resort to the aid of the dead to guide her. They took her to an open hall before fleeing. Light lit two pedestals on either end of the large room. The spirits rushed away in fear. Elbereth knew why. This was a realm owned by Liches. And by the sight of the damaged walls and troves, she guessed a battlefield at that. A side owned by one ruler and the other by another. At the base of each pedestal were troves that would make many jealous. One side had few sparkling treasures, but had a vast array of tomes and scrolls. The other held treasures and shinies enough to make a Kitsune fall into a coma. She began to slowly move through the room carefully. Liches tend to be rather territorial beings, and by the looks of things she may have walked into more danger than she needed. In the far corner was a wispy form leaning against the cavern walls. Suddenly a gruff voice echoed. If it is not the strange high elf, venturing too far than she should again. Elbereth is it not? Why are you here? Her eyes widened as she stared the figure down. This defeated heap was Shaviri. No longer the proud undead he once was. She moved closer and took a knee. Great one, who did this to you?! I will- You will do nothing! I demand to have my answer. My state is matter of a different standing. She nodded silently. Shaviri, I came here to further my path. She looked down. Finally the Lich looked up, his eyes staring her down. You chose me? Yes, I wish to gain wisdom over blood, but power is still a needed factor. You are a Lich of odd states. I wish to prove to my... Friends that we can be beings of neutrality. I do not wish wicked scorn amongst those I have come to protect and hold dear in this life. In undeath, I shall live the same. Shaviri was silent for a moment before laughing. Most who hunt me down wish only death and pain. You should have never lived this path in life child, but you do. I have one wish if I agree to hand over my essence. She just listened. In your future find a way to bring me back. Maybe then I can see what your path leads to? Elbereth looks up with a smile and nods. behind you is the capsule that holds the essence of Kalim. He and I fought for this place for many years. He is why I am weaker than we last spoke. Take it. Maybe you will find a use for it. It was wonderful to see you again creature of the sun. Even in these caverns you smell of such a thing. His eyes closed and most took him over. The damage that he had been enduring finally taking his body till there was nothing left but his essence of a soul. She carefully placed Shaviri into a bag and then Kalim into another. Each strapped to a hip. Soon enough her teacher will see that his deeds have been seen and will be punished. For now, she just needed to keep her wits and return back to the tavern and her friends.
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 23:17:18 +0000

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