Ele-Mental Breakdown By Mike Nashif Well, how does one - TopicsExpress


Ele-Mental Breakdown By Mike Nashif Well, how does one start when he is trying to express his version of how the Universe works and how everyone is connected along with everything else that is living? Im not sure. I dont have all the answers but I sure feel as if I do right now. Humans have always associated power with Oil, whether its actual power, like electricity, or the perceived power of the Oil industry. Its no secret that the Oil companies across the world affect our global economy and you can see it happening right now. Another distraction is what some might call it, but for me, I see it as very malicious and without regard to the liveliness of other countries. While Americans might be enjoying lower gas prices just like everyone across the world right now, the rest of the world is also broke. The only thing that is going on right now is the over production of oil by the OPEC countries. I see this as an attempt to run the smaller companies out of business, mainly in America, to slow the production of our own oil. To cause us to use more foreign oil instead of being self sufficient. This is the very misuse of power that got all of us in the position we find ourselves in today. Working long hours and getting paid less, only to pay more at the grocery store and at the gas pump, all of which is to do one thing. Make more money for someone else. Help them live a more extravagant lifestyle that includes a lot of waste. To me waste is stealing and Thou Shalt Not Steal. If youre not using it and someone else needs it then essentially I feel that you are stealing from the less fortunate. That is how I see it in my eyes. From what I can tell, people are okay with essentially being a slave to the system. The daily grind. Being forced to go to your job to make big companies even more money while they exploit your talents, time, and loyalty. My own revelations came to me when my family and I were down on our luck with money. We spent it on things that we really didnt need but what we wanted. Being on a fixed income, I am dependent on other companies abilities to take the money out of my account when I ask them to do so. Its called automatic bill pay. My electric company refuses to work with me in switching my due date and I cant help but feel that I am being pressured to put my bill back on Autopay. About 6 months ago, I got a bill from said electric company that told me I used something like $250 worth of electricity but I was billed for $420. When I questioned it, I was told that it was the average for our use age from last year in the same month blah blah blah. When I cancelled the auto pay, I was sent four consecutive bills that were $400+ each and so my quest for a replacement company. I come to find out that I dont have a choice to switch electric companies because I dont live in a big city. Still pissed at my current electric company, Ive traveled down the road to free energy out of sheer spite for the system. I really do not like being told that no matter what the electric company says is on my bill, if I dont pay the amount, I dont have electricity. That means my fridge wont keep my food cold, no stove to cook the food, no heat to keep my family warm... It boils down to fear. Fear of being without or fear of being left behind. Fear of being ridiculed because you see things differently in the world. I have experienced this first hand and I know that a majority of you have as well. I resented the fact that the electric company was bullying me soooo much that I finally decided to do something about it. As with most of and probably the reason why I created this blog in the first place was to put a voice (or words, rather) to my feelings. Feelings of anger, discontent, fear, shame, hopelessness... All those feelings wrapped up in a nice little bundle called freedom. You have seen what I am capable of when I put my mind to it because in a matter of 20 hours I put together a working hydrogen fuel cell that would have reduced the amount of gas I need to run my car. My first thought was to make a generator that could run off of hydrogen and only need a battery to start. Use a solar panel to charge the battery and viola! A self sufficient power source. That was too easy, literally. I made one in 20 hours without any special equipment, just my eyes and things that I could buy from the local Walmart or hardware store. Most of the items, I had around my house. During the process of educating myself on YouTube, which by the way is a very invaluable resource for those that learn by watching and observing, I ran into some information about a plasma generator that requires very little effort to build. Again, it was based on the individuals ability to comprehend how to put it together. The individuals ability to Create the Conditions that allow for matter to be formed. Thats right, I said it. Create Matter. Any matter at any time, any where. Wait a minute, those are things that we know to be impossible to do. If people could create matter, then they could create gold. If they can create gold, then gold has no value and the worlds money, backed by gold, has no value. So with that in mind, weve been told that these things are impossible to do when in fact they arent. You just have to Create the Conditions. During the process of searching and watching EVERY possible video on this new technology, I came across my Spiritual Being. From previous posts, you can tell that I was raised Christian, and Catholic. Various family members moved towards other religious avenues and gravitated towards what felt best to them. I have always been a logical person, meaning, that if I couldnt touch it, it didnt exist and for the first part of my life things went unanswered for me. I couldnt touch or see God nor could I hear the All Mighty. He wasnt talking to me. Plasma - the binding force behind all matter. Have you ever just closed your eyes in a dark room and your eyes seem to be adjusting to bright flashes or swirling lines of light? Well, that is your aura. That is your personal energy source inside your body. Its called Chi, life force, aura, aether, light... Whatever it is that you want to call it, its yours. I picture the human body a lot like the Plasma Generator that Mr. Keshe teaches us how to build. The generator requires a negatively charged outer shell and a positively charged inner core. Spin it at about the same speed in relevance to size of the Earth and it creates a concentrated plasma field that produces infinite energy. Yes, this device actually exists. There are other things involved in the process but they can be done in the comfort of your own home. Its the people working in their garages and kitchen tables that are going to change the world because they are tired of the system. They havent found a purpose yet and they cant hold God in their fingers so they search using science. This is me. This is who I am on the inside. Since everything living has an electrical source of power and every electrical source gives off a magnetic field I feel that its safe to say that life is important if there is an electrical signal that we can measure, touch, see, hear, sense and so on right? When a human life expires, the electrical signal disappears and so does the magnetic field right? Studies have shown that when a human life ceases to exist, the amount of energy released all at once has been measured to equal or surpass the atom bomb dropped on Nagasaki, Japan by four times. Thats a lot of energy. So if we think of the magnetic field of our bodies as the force field that holds life in its place and together, then what is actual life? Its something we cant see because our eyes wont allow it simply because we have forgotten how to see it. We have been told that its impossible to do certain things and great efforts have been put in place to belittle those who have been able to remember. Do you remember back in the 1980s for those old enough, when there was a big crack down on Psychic Readers and how they were lying and duping the public because people couldnt SEE what was actually going on in the physical world. Because we couldnt see it, it was easy to dismiss it for FEAR of being chastised by your peers for thinking of something that you cannot see or touch. The same thing goes for God. The same thing goes for the internet. The same thing goes for the Universe. You cant see the Internet but you know its there. You cant see God but you know something is there, something that made everything that we can see, smell or touch. I have always believed that there is a higher power but I felt it increasingly difficult to think that because I didnt hear the tarnished word (fell on deaf ears) that has been translated many times over to incorporate more fear. If you dont accept this version then you are going to go to hell and be punished. What kind of a God will punish you for having your own ideas about things and wanting to have the answers? Not any God of mine. The difference between the religion of God and the Prime Creator is that no matter what you do in your many lifetimes, she is not going to punish you. You simply are not ready yet to move into the Family of Light. Enough of that for right now. The Earth has its own magnetic field and we have been taught and shown things all wrong. I feel that it has been done so with great effort to conceal the facts of the Universe. To keep mankind from reaching its true potential as a Creator. In many eyes, a God. Going back to the human body and its electricity, you can find out on your own or take my word for it, but it is positively charged. Just like the center of the sun and our Earth. The magnetic field of our planet holds the atmosphere in place so we can be shielded From the dangerous elements of the Universe around us. Or so weve been told. Just like weve been told that you cannot breathe in space which is a lie. Fear of dying has kept you from seeing for yourself. You can walk on the surface of the moon and Mars without an oxygen tank. Its takes about 24 hours to get used to it but it can be done. When you hold opposing magnets close together you can feel them pull together right?mdid you know that when that happens, you are creating gravity? Its also been proven that ALL OBJECTS that we can see have a magnetic field around them. Even objects that we cant see have one all the way down to the electrons, protons, and neutrons that make of every individual cell and atom. So on the nano scale of things, as youve probably heard, that all matter consists of air or empty space, held together by tiny magnetic fields. What holds those magnets together? Gravity. What creates that gravity you ask? The energy that is contained within those magnetic fields is called plasma. Not too far off from the plasma that we can see in a plasma globe really. The difference is that we need to see something in order to know its there. You wouldnt buy what appears to be an empty globe would you? Unless you could see something, touch it, smell it,or taste it right? Then how do you know youre in love with someone or something? That feeling you get in your chest when youve been away from someone you love and are reunited with them. You feel it when you talk to them on the phone or see them on video chat right? You get overwhelmed with emotion, maybe you will cry, but the point is that you feel something. Something strong. In actuality, it is your magnetic fields receiving information from each other, causing your body to have a physical reaction and that reaction is converted to energy which we know to be emotions. Upon my discovery process, I have concluded that grief is the sudden disconnect between magnetic fields. Your body needs elements to survive and when we eat food or take medications it breaks down that food into a plasma state and we absorb it. If we dont get those elements, our body starts to break down. When you love someone and share that magnetic field and they suddenly die, your body is left to fend for itself. Being starved of the love and elements that your loved one provided for you. This is a big reason for a rebound relationship, to seek what you once had so your body doesnt starve. It needs love. It needs caring and compassion. It needs touch. We are happy when we are in love. You can be in love with anything because people do it all the time. Your kids, animals, a plant left behind by a loved one... Anything that makes you happy is a form of love. Now lets see if I can bring it all together here so that itll all ties together... Life has to have a magnetic gravitational (Magrav) field in order to hold all the elements together. The Earth has a Magrav field that holds all of the elements together and extends to the end of our atmosphere. Holds the atmosphere in place right? The human bodies atmosphere is our personal Magrav field and it holds all of the elements needed. The skin represents the crust of the Earth. Subject to erosion of lifeless items that will be recombined at a later time to produce a number of other elements. We call it decomposition and recycling. The Earth has rivers and oceans that move those elements around the globe to continue the cycle of life. The human body has its own rivers and oceans but we call them veins and arteries that move elements around in our bodies to where it is needed to feed the cells. Block an artery and you could die right? If we take out the elements that our body is absorbing in our blood we end/start with water, just like the Earth. What happens if we put a dam up on a river? It blocks the artery and everything further in the direction of flow will die or be forced to find elements some other way. Nothing different than the human body right? At the core of the human body, our electric current contains that very same energy as the planet and is centered around your heart and its called plasma. You can feel it. You know its there, you just cant see it until someone points it out to you. Here is me pointing it out to you... Have you ever been lost in thought, daydreaming, and stared at an object. When you slightly move your eyes and you can see that same object appear to move and be bright around the edges, you are seeing the Aura of that object. Try it for yourself, dont take my word for it. Stare at something in the same spot for 15 seconds or more and look a little to left, right, up, or down and you will see an outline of that object. That is your eyes and brain receiving information (plasma) from that object. Its its a living object as we understand living, then its also got some color to it. Notice that I told you to do this with an object and not a person. It was to point out that even non living things have a Magrav field that you can see and with practice, will be able to see those fields all the time. A non living thing that has an Aura? But you said that living things only have a Magrav field right? No, actually, I didnt. I stated that living things can feel emotion. Animals, plants, cells anything that we consider to be living can feel emotion because of the interaction between Magrav fields from the environment around them. Sound is a plasma that moves a certain way. Light is a plasma that moves a certain way and affects each living thing differently as well as non living things. Ever had a tarp that sat in the sun and became crunchy to the touch? The plasma field created when the sun touched the elements in the tarp, causes small changes to the molecular structure making it brittle and no longer flexible. Kinda sounds like a sunburn right? Same thing. If we go back down to nano state, we have electron, protons and neutrons. We can take a picture of protons and neutrons but the electron doesnt seem to have a visible shell. Maybe if we go smaller, we can see it right? Nope. Just quarks and Higgs boson. Its the Magrav field it creates that we can see and know how to measure right? By current standards of understanding the human heart is a giant proton with giant electrons flowing around it making our personal Magrav field right? Hmmm, okay, well plants have a Magrav field too which means it has electrons and its alive, cool. Now what about animals? Oh yeah, they have a Magrav field too and its alive too. Okay okay so what about that object on the wall that has a measure able Magrav field? By same standards as above, that object should be alive right? It has the same things as plants animals and humans right? Im not saying that your wall frame is alive in terms that we understand life and its origin. If you consider what I said earlier that when we die we express energy. The containment field goes down and the energy is let go into the Universe. This is your essence, your soul, being released as light. If plasma is light then all things created in matter break all the way down to light. Doesnt that make humans a being of light? Animals, plants, plastic, metals... They all have plasma that holds them together. If youd like to get more information on this then watch the Keshe Foundations Knowledge Seekers Workshops on YouTube. The only thing this does is shows you the connectivity of everything around us and how it all Has a single creator or common core element that is in EVERYTHING. THIS LIGHT is everything around us and this is why people report seeing a bright light with near death experiences and not having fear of it. The Prime Creator, or God, will not punish you or hurt you or cause you to have fear. You will just recycle your spirit, soul, plasma field, until you have a complete understanding of how the universe works. Once you understand it and love all things unconditionally then you get to move on to the next phase. In America, love, as a word, terrifies people. It makes us uncomfortable to say to someone else but its okay to say it to your animals. What you should be thinking when you say I Love You is really, I RESPECT YOU. I respect your right to live and if you cant do it on your own, I will help you. It is everythings will to survive and if you help it, you respect/love it enough to leave it alone unless it needs help (like our children) it will grow. You showed it some respect. You showed it love and it prospered. A little side note for those a little more advanced in their spiritual awakening... Ever see the pictures of someone meditating with their legs crossed, palms up, middle fingers touching respective thumbs and their backs straight? Sometimes it will show a spectrum of colors and points on the body called Chakras. This is what is referred to as the Starship Formation, each knee that touches the ground is one point and your tailbone (base of the spine) makes the third point connecting to the ground. Aka a negative charge. The fourth and final point in the Starship Formation is the plasma field around your heart and it is positively charged. In order to get the Arc or spark of electricity to flow correctly within your body, you have to close the circuit right? Turn on the light switch so to speak and allow the electrons (plasma) to flow from Negative to Positive and light billows from the bulb right? So why not try and figure out how to electrify your energy field and close the circuit? Turn your body/soul into a literal light bulb. The final part of this connection process is when you close your eyes, and see those flashes of lights dancing erratically on your eye lids. Its not your eye lids guys, that is your third eye and you are looking are your very soul. Did you know that you can control those flashes and swirlings? It takes practice but when you are able to gather all those swirlings of light and bring them together it appears to me like the arc on a taser but without the noise. More so like that plasma ball on your kids shelf, if you touch the top you complete the grounded circuit and a beautiful arc follows your negatively charged finger. Place your finger on your HEAD and visualize that arc running from your tailbone, through your heart and following your finger, completing the circuit. Your third eye completes the negative charge needed to connect and when you can bring those erratic light swirlings together with your eyes closed, you get nervous, heart starts racing, physical things start to happen to your body. Know that you are safe and nothing can hurt you while in this state. You may begin to feel warm. You may be physically aware of everything around you but notice things more from your nose down and away from you. Your head feels like its in a cloud and the sense of moving upward, chasing light. Similar to the streaking of the stars at warp speed except the light is moving slower. I can still see the beginning of the light as it travels away from me and i feel a tingling in my head and then I feel overwhelmingly happy. High. Centered. Answers rushed into my head and suddenly everything that has been explained to me, fits all together. I have an understanding of how the Universe works. How things are made and how they all interact on a daily basis to form the world we live in. It is all controlled by respecting or loving something enough to let it grow and only assist when it cannot do it on its own and it could die. You have all the tools needed right now to complete this and you always have. This is not a religion, it is spiritual. Religion produces fear. The Prime Creator produces love/respect for all things. If you go to church because you were told to go or you will go to hell, thats fear based teachings. Why do you want to live in fear not even understanding what happens to your soul when you move on to the next level. Dont fear death, when you make the connection with your own body you will be able to see where your soul goes and come back to help/ love/ respect someone else and show them how to make the journey. If you are able to connect, you will be able to see EVERYTHING. Good luck and know that I love you. I respect you. Keep in mind that during this journey, you are going to know somethings. Things that you know for a fact, yet if you said them outloud, you would be committed because we have been told that its not normal. Knowing these things just increases your power because Knowledge is Power and someone close to you should know that you arent crazy. You will spend some time trying to disprove it only to confirm what you already know. A path will be laid out for you and you will stumble upon little bits of information and as the bits of info come together, BAM! Suddenly you have a 1000 page document crammed into your head in 5 seconds. You will get excited and scared and happy and angry all rolled up into one. You are on the right path. Mr. Mike
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 09:52:10 +0000

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