Election Day is coming (or here). Now many of the prognosticators - TopicsExpress


Election Day is coming (or here). Now many of the prognosticators have been repeating for weeks and weeks what the outcome will be. Those who know me know where I stand in the political spectrum. The predictions have largely been based on one primary expectation. Low Turnout. The predictions are based on the fact that historically, mid-term elections (national elections without a Presidential contest) have of 45% or less. 45% That means less than half of the country cared and half of that half decided what the conditions were going to be for the rest of us. Thats 25% or less. The big non-voting groups in mid terms are young people (under 40); single women; minorities. These are the three groups that can LEAST afford not to vote. Young folks: the decisions of the next few years will set the path for the country of your future and the decisions of the next two years could control the Supreme Court that passes judgement on the rules of that country. YOU will be at the helm of this thing soon enough. Dont you want to make sure we steer clear of rocks and icebergs? You have good reasons to get out there tomorrow. Single women, heck, ANY women - given the GOPs present opinion that you do not deserve equal pay for equal work and that you are not rational enough to make intelligent CHOICES about your reproductive issues, I can not see any reason short of alien death rays from the sky for you not to vote. Nada. Zip. Zilch. None. Do you think you are intelligent enough to make a choice for your future? Or do you need some old guy to tell you what you can and cannot do? Minorities - what could POSSIBLY keep you from voting? You saw the Supreme Court item above didnt you? Dont trick yourself into thinking you are too cool to vote. Think about what was done to get you this opportunity. It is the one arena where pound for pound, you can punch way above your weight class. Remember the 25% I mentioned above? Minorities, en mass, make up over 30% of the population. Thats bigger than the 25%. Most elections are decided by less than 10 percent. You can be the deal maker or the heart breaker. Bum rush the booth! There is no finale on The Voice or climax on Dancing with the Stars or secret to be revealed on Desperate Hip Hop Housewives of Atlanta or football\basketball\soccer\hockey\indoor mixed couple badminton game that is more important than voting. Waiting for the next shipment of organic Swiss chard is not more important. The doings of the various iterations of Kanye and Kim are not more important (EVER). The launch of the new iPhone 7-x is not more important (heck, if you can camp out for a phone, you can stand in line 30 minutes to vote) Show them that you are NOT lazy, NOT self-absorbed; NOT uncaring; NOT un-patriotic; NOT stupid; NOT too cool; NOT to cynical. Take that turnout to 50%; 55%. Go big - take it to 60%. VOTE! VOTE VOTE! OCCUPY YOUR COUNTRY Defy expectations and VOTE! thank you Mitchell Swann for saying better than i could have!!!
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 16:06:18 +0000

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