Election, if not a manipulating nonsense then only covers one - TopicsExpress


Election, if not a manipulating nonsense then only covers one fourth and a petty small part of the rights assured and promised for an Individual Citizen as Democratic Rights from a polity if declared as democratic. In the Linchonian view, Democracy is for the people means, (1) that provides security of life (healthy food, clothing, housing, health care and protection), (2) that provides freedom of thinking and expression also provides information to all to remain responsible for their thoughts, (3) that provides equal facilities for all individual citizens for existence and progress without judgment and any kind of discrimination in any excuse of merit or qualification, (4) Secularization of the polity without supporting or oppressing any faith or belief or personal practices which doesnt interfere in to any one individuals peace, freedom and progress. No belief practices would be allowed to be performed in public also in a collective way at public places or in public views. No belief slogans or shouting outside of a family house would be permitted, beliefs and faiths would be absolutely personal matter and not social at all, of the people means every person involved in officiating the democratic governance would have to be responsible to answer any question raised by any individual citizen of the polity on any matter related to his/her working area in the governance, :by the people means a non manipulating, non-propaganda oriented selection or election of the individuals for service of the people. To my Raw and unlearnt mind Democracy is an absolute imagination of a utopian polity that never existed any where and may never come to existence. Election is a post Feudal Propaganda to keep people fooled that they are their own governors. Election is similarly a nonsensical mischief played in all declared Democracies including America, Britain, Canada, Australia and everywhere, they call the polity as a Democracy. This is a media fuss here, an attempt of spiting on passers by from a running vehicle. I may be absolutely wrong. So kindly excuse me where I seem to be wrong and oblige. Cordially, Swamiji
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 15:09:44 +0000

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