Election manifestos eyewash: GeelaniCalls shutdown on Dec 2GK NEWS - TopicsExpress


Election manifestos eyewash: GeelaniCalls shutdown on Dec 2GK NEWS NETWORKSrinagar, Nov 29: Hurriyat Conference (G) chairman Syed Ali Geelani Saturday termed as mere eyewash the election manifestos released by mainstream political parties.In a statement today, Geelani appealed people to observe complete shutdown on December 2 against, what he described, manipulated elections.Questioning the credibility of poll manifestos, Geelani termed these as ‘lollipops prepared by their masters in sitting in Delhi’ to ‘lure the gullible people’.“These groups and their leaders have tarnished the history of Jammu and Kashmir. They have always played a key role in creating political uncertainty and chaos in the state and are responsible for all ills facing the people. The crimes they committed against Kashmir demand that they should be indicted for their wrong doings in a court of justice.They pretend to be the saviors of people but the fact remains that they have been instrumental in strengthening the control of New Delhi over Kashmir. They are the people who sold out the state’s sovereignty, honour, land, forests and other natural resources to New Delhi in pursuit of power,” Geelani said, adding, “The Jammu and Kashmir is a disputed territory pending resolution since 1947 is known to all. It tops the UN agenda and India is a signatory to almost 18 Resolutions passed by the United Nations for its resolution. The people of Jammu and Kashmir have never accepted the forced control and Indian hegemony. Lakhs of our sacrifices stand witness to this fact. The contesting parties are tryingto undermine these sacrifices. They are in league with armed forces that looted our natural resources, occupied our forests and orchards.”Taking a dig at Omar Abdullah, Geelani said, “He has proved as the weakest chief minister and is responsible for imposition of AFSPA. His howling to repeal this draconian law, if he comes to power again,is a sheer lie. He is the man who during his tenure as chief minister always defended the innocent killings at the hands of armed forces. How can he prove himself asa savior of Kashmiris and crusader for therestoration of state’s autonomy? His all assertions are deception.”Expressing his gratitude to university students, Geelani said, “I am all praise for their daring stance and high spirits. Let the entire student community follow their suit. They have exhibited courage and it is a noble and nice precedence to follow.”
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 07:26:22 +0000

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