Election time. Judging from reports, a fair number of you are - TopicsExpress


Election time. Judging from reports, a fair number of you are still holding your ballots. Here are my thoughts and endorsements. MEASURE 88: Would allow illegal aliens to posses valid Oregon drivers licenses. VOTE NO!! This is a horrible idea, and in fact right now, Mexicans, legal or otherwise enjoy huge privileges at DMV. Did you know that if you are white, and hold an Oregon Drivers license that might have just expired you still need a copy of your birth certificate and or a passport to prove citizenship. If you are mexican or appear to be, you only need to have a current utility bill in your name for the address you are claiming. Not only should you vote NO on Measure 88, you should be demanding that your legislators fix this gross injustice at DMV. If that is racist...then I am a PROUD racist! MEASURE 90: Changes the election process to top 2 run off regardless of party affiliation. Sounds like a great idea. Is promoted as a great idea. It is a TERRIBLE idea! It would assure domination by one party in particular areas and would be the end of third party and truly independent campaigns. Do not vote for this. One of the most misguided ideas ever. MEASURE 91: Legalizes Marijuana. Vote no. I know people that love their Hippie Lettuce who are against this measure. Besides, with as lax as Oregons medical marijuana laws are, this is not really needed at all. And, contrary to what supporters will tell you, cops in Oregon are only going after traffickers in marijuana not the users. MEASURE 92: Labels foods for GMO. Vote no. This thing is a train wreck. There are so many exemptions in it we will never know what is or is not GMO any way. This is a thinly veiled attack against just one company. If GMO labeling is going to be truly tackled it needs to be done on the federal level without all the exemptions this one has. SENATOR: Dr. Monica Wehby. Can you name one thing that Jeff Merkely has really done besides rubber stamp everything Obama wants? Neither can I. Proof of that is his campaign ads. They point to NO accomplishments for him in 6 years. NONE. All he has done is try to enable to fundamental destruction of this Country at every turn. I would vote for a ham sandwich before I voted for Jeff Merkley, GOVERNOR: Dennis Richardson. All one needs to do is look at the state of Oregon to see that Dennis is the right man to vote for. We lag behind in virtually every way you can measure the performance of the state. Jobs, graduation rates, crime, you name it and Oregon is failing. Cant blame republicans for this one because they have been out of power in Oregon for decades. This is a democrat thing, and certainly a Kitzhaber thing. Then there is the whole mess with his girlfriend that reeks of illegality at every step of it. Kitzhaber truly behaves as if laws are beneath him. Time for him to go. STATE SENATOR: Colonel Dave Dotterrer for Oregon State Senate District #3. Look, a lot of you may have been turned off by the campaign tactics. I am no fan of them at all. But here is the truth.....Alan Bates is becoming more of an extremist by the year in Salem. He is now one of the biggest supporters of the Big Green Agenda and all that it does. It was Alan Bates that helped create the special status for Mexicans at DMV. Alan Bates is sure not working for us. He better suits the people of Portland than those of State Senate District 3. I have faith in Dave Dotterer and think he will represent the values of the majority of the people of the district more than Bates. Besides, Bates has been there for 14 years. Are things getting better in Oregon? Or, have they gotten worse? Unless you are a supremely partisan democrat, you KNOW they have gotten worse. Bates is doing nothing to help that. STATE REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICT 5: Nick Card. Ok, he might not have the biggest name, but Nick Card is the right guy for the job. Nick is a solid traditionalist. He will work to see that Oregon works better for us. Peter Buckley is an extremist so out of touch with his district other than Ashland it is not even funny. And again..as with Kitzhaber and Bates, what exactly is Buckley doing to benefit Oregon? Not a damn thing. On that basis alone, Nick Card deserves your vote. SHERIFF: Corey Falls. I have been a big supporter of Corey right from the beginning. Current Sheriff Mike Winters has already said he wants to retire and supports Corey for Sheriff. However, there is a vote to be held first and Winters has said if the voters elect him he will serve. Ok, I guess that is talking out of both sides of your mouth. I will stay with the first part of what Winters was clear about. He wants to retire. Vote for Corey and be sure that happens. It is more than time. COUNTY COMMISSIONER POSITION 1: Rick Dyer. While he is opposed by 3 candidates, two of them are there for personal vendetta reasons. Lets be clear, both Curt Chancellor and Curt Ankerberg are running because of personal beefs with the County. By god they are going to fix it! Curt Chancellor is a noted scoff law who has had repeated runs in with both code enforcement and law enforcement over the years. Now is not the time to be putting a guy in office who is running just to get even with people, when usually it was their own behavior that caused the problem to begin with. Curt Ankerberg had a run in with a Josephine County Parks employee this last spring and threatened retaliation against them if elected. Yeah, that is who you want in office. Then there is Tonia Moro the democrat in the race. Tonia is a committed environmental activist who believes more government is good government. Not only that, she favors turning the County green as fast as possible regardless of what it costs. That shows a dangerous attitude right from the get go. There is NO concern whatsoever for the average person and what the costs of going green might be. Moro is clearly entranced with talking issues that have NO place in a county government in Southern Oregon at all. If she wants to take that stuff on, let her run for congress or US Senate. Those would be far more appropriate places. I do not trust this woman at all. Rick Dyer is a solid man. Business owner. Has been deeply a part of the community for years. He is one of us. I trust him completely and urge you to support him. COUNTY COMMISSIONER POSITION 3: Colleen Roberts. My enthusiasm for her has certainly diminished since the primaries. There is no doubt that Colleen is as anti good old boy as it gets. But, since the primaries it has become very clear to me that Colleen is also running more out of a sense of out to get them than to serve. There was much that I heard from her that I believed was electioneering. It was not. Were it not for her opponent, I might be very tempted to undervote this position. But, it is the emergence of Kevin Talbert that is causing me to continue to vote for and support Colleen Roberts. Kevin Talbert is the enemy come to life. He is a died in the wool marxist. He is as anti America as it gets. Were it not for Colleen Roberts beating Joel Ockunzzi in the primary, you never would have heard of him. Talbert is the tool of the political machine. They are so afraid of Colleen that they went seeking somebody they could control. Well Talbert is that. He is under the control of people who have not the slightest interest in we the people. He is an academic by profession. He has been at Southern Oregon University. As we know now, the academic world is full of people who hate the United States and seek to transform it into destruction. The president is certainly one of those, and Talbert likely may be too. Look at his answers to everything...more government, big government is the solution. NOT at all what we need in this County. Government is slowly killing us and serving only itself. You want to put another big government stooge in place? Neither do I. In addition, Talbert is a huge environmentalist and we all know what that means now. You cannot vote for those people at all. You do and you will pay for it. While she may grate on some, especially the power elites of this community, Colleen Roberts is far better suited than Kevin Talbert to represent the people and what WE want. Vote for her. Please do not undervote, or leave this one blank. Too important.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 23:23:10 +0000

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