Elections 2014 Local n European The elections have taken place - TopicsExpress


Elections 2014 Local n European The elections have taken place in Ireland both at local European level and the outcome shows a major shift in the mind set of people. Now with just over a fifty percent turnout it begs the question of where the other half of the voters is and why they didn’t use their constitutional right to vote. The outcome also is an indication of how fickle and how extremely complicated this whole process is with first preferences, second preferences and so on and you could have a person who didn’t have many first votes and still be elected. Well to me this procedure is a shambles but I know many will argue in favour of it. I am not politically minded but I wonder what is it that motivates the supporters of political parties who seem to possess tunnel vision, like a horse wearing blinker, in following and electing a person who will not have a personal say in things but must follow their leader in decision making. This will occur even if the person thinks the decision is wrong, wow what a farce! Could it be inherited that if their parents voted for a political party they would do likewise or is there some other motivation behind their support? In the country we have or had four main parties, Fianna Fail, Fine Gael, Labour, and Sinn Fein with only FF having an overall majority to form a government at any one time. So other than that we then we have a coalition government made up of two or more parties who may differ completely on paper but now accept each other just to have power – this is another shambles! We have had all unlikely partnerships in government and all with disastrous consequences for the country and for its people who elected the morons in the first place or did they with this system of proportional representation? The minor parties come off the worse and are rightly shoved into the annals of horrid history with the Progressive Democrats and The Green Party following on this trail even if their ugly raises from time to time. The Labour Party is next on the chopping list because like their former opposition parties they sanctioned and fully backed diabolical decisions that their bigger coalition partners made. Thus instead of blaming the Big party the little one takes the brunt when both should be castigated but they remain although with some slight damage. Now let’s take the main parties beginning with FF who have a great history with independence and the formulation of the current constitution. Thus plenty of the benefits that are in place today are due to this party but that is yesteryear and a new brand of politics with a new brand of politicians infiltrated and disgraced the party, politics, and the country. This can be equally stated about the other main parties who practiced the despicable which destroyed the country, the people, and the sovereignty of country and undid most of what was good in the first place. These good parties as already stated were infiltrated by power hungry self-centred despots who paid themselves and their colleagues’ vast salaries and secured huge pensions if they were thrown out by the people. They have little respect for the people in which they blatantly plied with lies, they delved in corruption, fraud, and even what should be deemed as treason, but still they remain in power, in their respective parties or handsomely rewarded by their huge pensions if thrown out of politics by the people. It beggars belief that the people of Ireland accept this and allow this to continue without fear of any reproach whatsoever! This country went through good years which were titled ‘The Celtic Tiger’ where banking institution and property developers were permitted by the successive governments of FF, FG, Lab, and The Greens to run the economy. They ran riot in doing so and it did not take an Albert Einstein to work out that a thirty thousand euro house was not worth three hundred thousand euro in any form of calculation; however this is exactly what was permitted to happen by these overseeing successive governments. Thus we had bankers giving out money by the truck load to all types of borrowers who in reality could not afford these loans given in any sense of the word. They were then left with a huge loan of three hundred thousand euro for a thirty thousand euro house. They, the successive governments, are all guilty of allowing this to happen along with the bankers and the developers. Of course this brought the country to its knees but it is interesting as to how it was addressed. The FF government under the leadership of BERTIE AHERN that was responsible lost a few astute mainstay members including the said leader who safely retired with their huge pensions and without fear of them being brought to justice for mismanagement, corruption, and treason against the state. The others weathered the storm, keeping their heads low to wait for the next government to make mistakes before making their presence felt; however not any of these was ever brought to task either in their role of watching the country sink into a seemingly bottomless pit. The bankers remain in their status quo dealing in finance with huge salaries, bonuses and large retirement funds and they do so without fear of retribution with not one being taken to justice over fraudulent dealings, blatant lies, and total disgraceful mismanagement. This is also true of the developers who just walked away Scot free. Now when the proverbial shit hit the fan, FF and The Greens were at the helm and this resulted in the lesser party being decimated in representation in the next election but the diehard supporters of FF still elected members despite their crimes against the people but with a lesser number. The mistake that The Green’s made was accepting the mismanagement of their FF partners and holding on to the power that they had until the last minute. They should have had respect for the people and themselves when they knew what was happening behind closed government and banking doors and walk away from the corruption but alas they remained much to their detriment. However, these Green Fools who were in office are still compensated with pensions. The next election was no surprise with FG and Labour joining together in a coalition government who promised to rectify all that the previous administration did wrong. They promised reform and an open candid admin with no hidden dealings, they promised to burn the Bondholders who speculated their investment money in the Irish Banking system but who now wanted their money back. They also promised that they would take those responsible for ruining the country to justice. Now let us review what they actually did in reality. They did not burn any Bondholders but rather paid them in full by borrowing billions from the Central European Bank and the International Monetary Fund to bail out the bankers and make all the Irish people, every man, woman, and child pay for the mistakes of others. Not only has this generation to pay but so will future generations thus our children and our children’s children will still be left with this loan. Bravo to Fine Gael and Labour for this decision it is so fitting for the already hard pressed people and really welcomed by all the people who elected them to rectify things and fulfil their promises. LIE NUMBER ONE KENNY, GILMORE n NOONAN! The effects of this horrendous measure left a stagnant economy with the banks being bailed out but not operating in the accustomed fashion in not releasing funds into the economy thus causing many businesses to close and swelling the numbers that are unemployed. Then the banks wrongfully foreclosed on people with mortgages and evictions are commonplace and this leaves Irish families of men, women, and children homeless which is a disgrace in this day and age. Let us look at the other ways that this Government are making the people suffer by paying off a debt that they did not create. They cut welfare which hurts the most vulnerable people on this island, the disabled, the long term sick, the poor, the old aged, and the children. They introduced education fees while at the same time reducing or eliminating education grants which was told by MINISTER RAUARI QUINN would not happen but again it is more BLATANT LIES. They increased prescription charges by a whopping 500% even though MINISTER JAMES REILLY said he would eliminate them altogether so this was just more BLATANT LIES. They introduced a Household Tax even though Taoiseach ENDA KENNY is recorded as stating that it is morally wrong to tax a person’s home. Well KENNY’S morals must have gone into his large awaiting pension fund because morally or not he is overseeing the HOME TAX so it is another Blatant LIE FROM KENNY. They have introduced a Septic Tank Tax for rural dwellers just so they would not feel left out with their urban dwellers. They are also to introduce a WATER TAX. They removed Local Urban Councils and having all decisions made at a county level even though large urban areas need to have their issues focused on separately. This is the inept management of MINISTER PHIL HOGAN. They closed hospitals and again pushing patients in a central hospital where they are bursting at the seams on an everyday basis while the closed hospitals remain with empty beds. Again this is the inept management of MINISTER JAMES REILLY. This coalition government of FG n Labour have lied and lied again and just continued on where FF n The Greens left off leaving this country in a terrible mess and in doing so created a new poor while robbing from the already poor. Almost half a million on welfare with no jobs to go to and hundreds of thousands leaving the country abandoned by a government determined to remain in power no matter what. We are now in May 2014 and the local elections and it is such a shame to see a people that appear to be myopic and suffering from amnesia forgetting about the recent events which have them all suffering from austerity. They continue to elect members of FF, FG, LABOUR, and The GREENS who are responsible for the austerity that they find themselves in, the status of the poor and the poor status of this country. A vote for any one of the above mentioned is a vote for austerity and all that it encompasses. Now I am not advocating that they vote for any other single entity but for God sake Please do not elect these elitist affluent power hungry brokers of austerity who do not give a damn about ordinary people and shame on the lot of them. Dominic McKevitt
Posted on: Mon, 26 May 2014 11:39:48 +0000

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