Elections non-issue: Shah ‘Desecration of Holy Qur’an in - TopicsExpress


Elections non-issue: Shah ‘Desecration of Holy Qur’an in Gool, killing of Muslims in Kishtwar worst examples of state terrorism’ Srinagar, Aug 29 : Senior separatist and Democratic Freedom Party (DFP) chairman Shabir Ahmad Shah Thursday termed elections as ‘non-issue’ and appealed the people to refrain from participating in it. Addressing a press conference at his uptown Sanat Nagar residence, he said, “As far as 2014 elections are concerned, these elections are non-issue for us as India since 1947 is staging the election drama here and misleads world community that there is democracy in Kashmir.” “We consider these elections as useless and appeal people to refrain from such activities so as not to let India declare that all is well in Kashmir,” he said. The DFP chairman termed recent alleged desecration of Holy Qur’an in Gool by forces and killing of Muslims on Eid-ul-Fitr in Kishtwar as the worst example of ‘state terrorism.’ “As you all know that Indian forces, after desecrating the Holy Qur’an and violating the sanctity of Mosque opened indiscriminate firing on peaceful protestors. By doing so, they not only violated the sanctity of Holy month of Ramadan but also proved itself as the most irresponsible and war criminal country. Such shameful and coward act by Indian forces in Holy month of Ramadan is a blow on the face of world nations. The disheartening incidents that happened recently made it clear that India apart from massacring the Muslims of Jammu and Kashmir is thwarting their religious activities which no Muslim can tolerate,” he said. Demanding UN probe in such incidents Shah said, “As we know that India, since past 20 years ordered thousands of probe commissions but to no avail. They inversely put all the blame on pro-freedom camps. If we will go through the track record of human rights violations committed by India from past 24 years, it is clear that India and its forces are involved in large scale war crimes in Kashmir. Though, it may be unmarked graves, court murders or sometimes the desecration of Holy Qur’an and Mosque, all time they hurt the sentiments of Kashmiris. From opening unprovoked firing on peaceful protestors to unmarked graves, court murders, violating the chastity of women, killing of political leadership and burning the properties of masses, Indian forces are involved in grim war crimes which continue from several years,” he added. The senior separatist leader said that from 1990 to 2005, about 30 incidents of killings, murders of innocent people have been reported. “Among all these, the Gowkadal massacre in which 51 innocent people were killed is the first such incident that took place on January 21, 1990 when Kashmiri people were peacefully protesting against the harassment of Kashmiri women in Srinagar. The CRPF personnel deployed in nook and corner of City opened indiscriminate fire on peaceful protestors, resulting in the martyrdom of more than 51 people and injuring thousands. On January 22, 1990, Indian forces again opened fire on peaceful protestors at Alamgiri Bazar, resulting in the martyrdom of 10 civilians and severely injuring 16 others. On March 1, 1990, Indian forces, by opening fire on civilians at Zakura Crossing martyred 30 people and severely injured 15 others,” he said. “On May 21, 1990, CRPF opened indiscriminate fire on the funeral procession of Mirwaiz Molvi Farooq, which resulted in the martyrdom of 60 people and injuring 25 at Hawal near Islamia College, Srinagar. On May 8, 1991, Indian forces killed 25 innocent people at Chotta Bazar. On this day, in another incident, Indian forces opened indiscriminate fire on funeral procession at Khanyar, which resulted in the death of 19 people and injuring 59. On January 19, 1991, Indian forces martyred 10 Kashmiris near Naaz Cinema in which 17 others also got injured. On September 12, 1991, Indian forces (BSF), while laying a search operation in Bandipora’s Aloosa area martyred 15 people and injured 250 others. On January 6, 1993, BSF personnel, by martyring 45 people in Sopore added to its more incident of massacre. On April 10, 1993, Indian occupant forces set ablaze 260 houses and shops in Lal Chowk. Due to such incident, 7 people were burned alive. On October 22, 1993, Indian forces opened fire on protestors in Bijbehara and martyred more than 50 people. The protestors were peacefully protesting against the Hazratbal siege. On the intervening night of August 3 and 4, Indian forces martyred 19 members of a single family in Sailaal area of Sarankote (Poonch). On March 20, 2000, Indian forces, under a well-planned strategy, massacred 35 Sikhs at Chatti Singhpora Village which also included children. It is pertinent to mention here that this incident took place when US President Bill Clinton was on his visit to India,” he added. Shah alleged that the aim of such shameful and brutal massacre of Sikh community was to give a bad name to Kashmiri freedom struggle but later on, an investigative team revealed that Indian intelligence agencies were behind such drama. ”These are such incidents which came to fore through various news reports and NGOs since past 22 years. But there are still so many like incidents in remote areas of Valley about which no one is aware. Even some international organizations or news reporters are not allowed to visit those places. This is the reason why suddenly 3000 unmarked graves came to fore from various places of Valley. Notwithstanding the above mentioned incidents, the major incidents of terrorism took place in India that were perpetrated by India itself. This has been revealed by a top official of Indian Home Ministry. Indian ruling party Congress has also confessed that extremist Hindu terrorist organizations RSS, Shiv Sena and Bajrang Dal are involved in such terrorist activities. It is unfortunate that India by accusing Pakistan and Kashmiri Hurriyat group of perpetrating such attacks so as to beat the drums of Ahmisa throughout the world. It is severe condemnable that Indian judiciary by implicating Shaheed Muhamamd Afzal Guru in a Parliament attack case, sentenced him to death,” he claimed. “Arundhati Rai also wrote a brief note over such heartbreaking incident but Indian media still remained silent on the issue. If we will observe the Mumbai attack incident of 2008, this unfortunate incident led to escalating tensions between Indo-Pak and hindered the continuing peace process between them. The motive of India behind all such incidents was to mislead the world community with regards to Kashmir dispute and continuing resistance movement here but India, despite all such endeavors, did not succeed in such mission. India initially tried to link Kashmir issue with cross-border terrorism, then with Taliban and Al-Qaeda but failed on all fronts,” he added. The DFP chairman father said that as United States is withdrawing its troops from Afghanistan and a change is going to happen there, “we hope that world body particularly the US will play its role in finding a peaceful solution to the long pending Kashmir dispute.” “We welcome the recent statement from US State Department with regards to Kashmir. The statement by encouraging Kashmiri resistance leadership negates the Indian claim on the issue. It is quite obvious from the statement of US that they acknowledge the right to self-determination of Kashmiris. India is not contented with the changing scenario in the region. If we will take a cursory look on the situation in 2013, it seems there are deliberate attempts to worsen the situation. India is quite aware of the consequences of war but is deliberately trying to keep on the skirmishes on Line of Control so as to divert attention of world community from the real issue. The escalation of tensions at LoC, directly or indirectly favors India because the escalating tension between both countries automatically pushes Kashmir issue to backburner which is India’s top priority,” Shah said. “As far as Kashmiri people are concerned, the most affected from the rising confrontation between both countries are Kashmiri people residing on both sides. Not only politically, but Kashmiris also get affected economically and socially as well. We believe that War is no option, so both nations by expressing statesmanship should try to resolve the mutual issues. In this connection, we also welcome the Pakistani statement and hope that India, without giving air to war sentiment should resolve all the outstanding issues with Pakistan through dialogue,” he added. The DFP chairman said that as far as the killing of five Indian soldiers is concerned, the Pakistani Government has made their stand clear and ‘according to the statement of India Defence Minister, it has been carried by uniform clad militants.’ “Without taking anyone’s stand, we demand an independent and unbiased probe in this regard. But, it is true to the fact that India, in the past, has also accused Pakistan and pro-freedom groups regarding such incidents which later on proved false. As I mentioned earlier that from Chatti Singhpora to Mumbai attacks and from Malegaon to Samjuta Express, there is hand of Indian intelligence agencies. So, in this view, I think that we should seek help from UNMOGIP that it will initiate an independent probe. If we will comment on the recent clashes, the history of Indo-Pak relation from last 6 decades is replete with such incidents and all these incidents are directly or indirectly linked with Kashmir. Who can deny the fact that Kashmir dispute is the basic issue between India and Pakistan? It is the very reason that India and Pakistan fought three wars among themselves,” he said. “We believe that if such issue is not resolved at earliest it will give rise to a war anytime which will have serious repercussions on the subcontinent. Keeping in view the current situation, we believe that world bodies should, in order to overcome such situation, should take steps to put end to the clashes between India and Pakistan and stress upon India to resolve Kashmir issue as per the wishes and aspirations of its people, We also demand from India that apart from investigating the killing of 5 force personnel in Poonch, they should also initiate enquiry in Gool unmarked graves, court murders, disappearances and harassment of women and children and severely punish the culprits involved in such gruesome incidents,” Shah added. Shah said he feels it mandatory to comment on Kishtwar clashes that ‘Government without going through the factors of clashes between two communities unleashed a reign of terror on Muslims.’ “Since PSA was slapped on DFP’s zonal president Moulana Abdul Qayoom Wani who has been shifted to Kot Balwal jail for two years. Apart from him, dozens of other Muslim youth were arrested among which Abdul Rashid Hafiz, Babar Hussain Hafiz, Irshad Sheikh, Majeed Hussain Bhat, Arif Baagwaan, Ghulam Nabi Malik, Aamir Baagwaan, Rameez Ahmad, Yasir Bakhshi, Aashiq Ganaie, Aarif Bhat, Zakir Baagwaan and Saajan are included. However, among Hindu communalists, BJP’s Sunil Sharma and Dr. Ajay (CMO) are roaming free. Sangh Parivar is hell bent upon dividing Jammu Kashmir on religious lines with the help of Village Defence Committees. In Ladakh, Kashmiri traders are forced to leave their shops under the pretext of road widening while as Ladakhis were let off. This is a crucial issue which can reap serious ramifications,” he alleged. “I announce here that I will, very soon, visit Gool Ramban, Chenab Valley and Jammu to put an end to the communal hatred spread by communal elements there and to create proximity between the two communities because the traditional Hindu-Muslim brotherhood in Jammu should not get trampled. Kashmir dispute is a political issue. India should compete with Kashmiri pro-freedom leaders. The Kashmir issue will not be resolved by keeping the leaders under house detention or arresting them. From past two and half years, I am kept under house arrest for 14 months, 16 days. I am also prevented from offering 110 Friday congregational prayers and 5 Eid prayers,” he added.
Posted on: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 14:54:23 +0000

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