Elements for one plate: 2 Chocolate Aero 2 Chocolate Cremeaux 2 - TopicsExpress


Elements for one plate: 2 Chocolate Aero 2 Chocolate Cremeaux 2 Chocolate Chiboust 1 Chocolate Handkerchief 15g Chocolate Streusel 5g Cocoa Powder and Nibs 50g Chocolate Nitro Foam 3 Orange jellies 10g Pistachio powder 2 White chocolate mousse White Chocolate Mousse: 160g White Chocolate 1 Gelatine Leaf 25ml Stock Syrup 250ml Cream 2 Egg Whites 15ml Icing Sugar 100ml Water Melt chocolate. Whip cream to ribbon stage. Whip egg whites to soft peaks and then add icing sugar. Whip until glossy and shiny. Fold chocolate through the egg white mix. Soak the gelatine sheet in the 100ml water. Melt gelatine in stock syrup. Pour the gelatine syrup into the chocolate egg white mix. Fold through cream. Pipe into hemispherical moulds. Freeze. Chocolate Cremeaux: 125g Chocolate 200g Cream 100ml Water 1g Agar 10g Glucose 3 Gelatine Sheets Mix the cream, agar and glucose. Blend in Kenwood at 80oC until it reaches temperature. Bloom the gelatine in the 100ml water. Add the bloomed gelatine and chocolate then blend and strain. Pour into moulds and freeze. Unmould when ready to serve. Chocolate Chibous: 80g Egg Whites 34g Castor Sugar 50g Milk 50g Cream 10g Sugar 32g Egg yolks 6g Corn Flour 100g Chocolate In a saucepan heat the milk and the cream. Whisk the yolks, the 10g of sugar and the cornflour until combined. Temper the yolks with a splash of the hot milk mixture and then add to the remaining milk. Heat over low heat to form a crème patissière- leave to cool. Melt the chocolate, and whisk the egg whites with the 34g castor sugar to form a medium peak meringue. Fold 1/3 of the meringue into the cooled crème patissière and then fold in the melted chocolate. Fold in the remaining whipped meringue. Pipe into hemisphere moulds and freeze. Unmould at service and slice. Orange Jellies: 400ml Orange Juice 120ml Stock Syrup 2g Agar 1 Gelatine Leaf 100ml Water Combine 120ml of syrup with 200ml orange juice and the agar, and then bring to the boil. Soak gelatine leaf in the 100ml water. Remove from the heat, and then add gelatine with remaining orange juice. Pour into tray +- 1 cm thickness. Once set cut into squares. Chocolate Streusel: 50g Butter 50g Brown Sugar 50g Almonds 40g Flour 10g Cocoa Powder Process almonds with flour in a blender. Soften the butter and gradually add the Sugar, Almonds and flour and coco powder. Gently hand knead into dough. Roll out to ¼” thickness between two sheets of greaseproof. Place in fridge till thoroughly chilled. Bake at 170oC for 15-20 minutes. Cool and crumble. Chocolate Handkerchief: 100g Dark Chocolate Melt the chocolate, not exceeding 40 degrees. Pour melted chocolate onto marble slab and scrap around allowing too cool to 27 degrees. Return over heat and gently heat to 34 degrees. Now the chocolate is ready to use. Stretch one square of cling wrap on the work surface, and pour chocolate into the centre of the cling wrap and brush the chocolate into a rectangle of approximately 14cm by 8cm. Place the cling wrap onto ice, with the chocolate side touching the ice. It must resemble crumpled draped cloth. Store in freezer. Carefully peel off the cling wrap, keeping the chocolate in one draped piece, then dust with cocoa. Chocolate Aero: 250g Chocolate 50g Oil Melt chocolate with oil and place in 500ml siphon gun and charge 4 times. Foam onto tray in single layer and set for approximately 20 min in freezer. Break into irregular pieces. White Chocolate Branches: 50g White Chocolate, melted Melt chocolate and place in piping bag with thinnest nozzle. Pipe long strips into container with iced water. Within the iced bath, manually mould and twist to produce shape similar to branches. Cut with a pair of scissors to size. Drain on top of kitchen paper. Keep in fridge in airtight container. Chocolate Nitro Foam: 300g Chocolate 225g 35% Fat Single Cream 225g Egg Whites 2 N2O Gas Cartridges Heat cream in saucepan and add chopped chocolate. Mix with spatula until smooth. Add egg whites, and mix gently with a spatula. Pour into ISI syphon. Close and charge. At assembly pour liquid nitro into container. Foam chocolate onto spoon. Gently drop into nitro. Swirl around gently. Remove with slotted spoon. Place on handkerchief last. To assemble: Sprinkle streusel in centre of the plate. Top with 2x aero, 2x cremeaux, 2x Chiboust and 2 white chocolate disks. Dust handkerchief with in cocoa powder and nibs. Place handkerchief on top of already plated components. Surround the handkerchief with the orange jellies, the white chocolate branches and then a dusting of pistachio. Foam chocolate foam onto spoon and drop into liquid nitrogen. Repeat 2 more times. Remove with slotted spoon and place on handkerchief. Serve immediately.
Posted on: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 18:27:26 +0000

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