Elements of the great commission in Matthew are key to any - TopicsExpress


Elements of the great commission in Matthew are key to any ministry to extend the Kingdom of God. Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18-20 NIV) The elements are; (1) The Foundation: This based on the comprehensive authority that God the Father has given to God the Son, defined as all authority in heaven and earth. (2) The Ministry: The ministry is threefold, namely (a) making disciples of all nations, (b) baptizing the disciples in the name (singular) of the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit, and (c) teaching disciples obedience to all Jesus Christs commandment. (3) The Commitment: The result of this is Jesus Christs unceasing presence with His disciples to the close of the earth. The foundation and the commitment are both in Gods domain. Essentially the Father giving the Son unfettered authority over the Kingdom of God in heaven and on earth. The ministry, Jesus Christs ministry, defines the believers role in it. These are expanding the Kingdom of God by going out and making disciples (learners or apprentices) of all nations, baptizing them or initiating them, or ordaining them or setting them apart as a holy nation, a royal priesthood and Gods own people, and teaching the disciples to be obedient to Christs commandments or showing them to follow the rules of the Kingdom of God or taking them trough the ropes of aligning their behavior and conduct to be worthy of King Jesus requirements in His Kingdom. Therefore, the ministry is not an academic exercise but a life transforming mission aimed at modeling the learners (disciples) into worthy citizens of the Kingdom of God in which Jesus Christ has comprehensive and absolute authority. The ministry encompasses continuous learning, public attestation of the symbolic fundamental conversion that has taken place in the renewal of the nations who have been made into Jesus Christs disciples, and constant alignment of disciples living through instruction and transmission of knowledge of Jesus Christs commandments given to the apostles through His life on earth. The making of disciples, baptism in the one name of God, and the teaching of Jesus commandments to change disciples behavior define the great commission Jesus left to His apostles and invariably His church which is superintended by His apostles (the messengers). Everything done in Jesus Christs church must contribute to the attainment of the ministry Jesus left His apostles. Jesus unwavering commitment is to be with His disciples to the close of the age, meaning till He returns to take His body into eternity as co-heirs with Him.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 11:13:49 +0000

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