Elim Christian Center, Lwowek Slaski, Poland On a bitterly cold - TopicsExpress


Elim Christian Center, Lwowek Slaski, Poland On a bitterly cold day in the winter of 1991-92, a vision was given birth. A three-story ruined building, which had once been an impressive palace, stood hollow, broken windows, filled with general debris and trash. There are two inscriptions over the entrance into the palace. One scroll reads: “that the building had begun in 1550 and had been built “by the grace of God.” The second scroll reads: “The Lord bless us and keep us, the Lord make His face shine upon us, and be gracious to us, the Lord lift up the light of His countenance upon us, and give us His peace.” (Numbers 6:24-26) Numbers 33 tells the story of when the Israelites, freed from captivity in Egypt, were setting out for the Promised Land. On the way through the wilderness, one of their stops was at an oasis called Elim. Just as the oasis of Elim brought life, joy, refreshment and hope to the Israelites, Elim Christian Center provides the same for the community surrounding it. At the end of World War II, most of the German state of Schlesien was given to Poland and repopulated by displaced Polish people from further east. These people had been force-fed Communism, they were largely a dispirited people, lacking both hope and joy. From 1945-1989, the government had closely monitored everyone and everything. Many were relatively poor; most did not own a telephone, a car, or even a bicycle. Many foods and other goods were rationed and people queued for hours for these items; coupons were needed to buy some of the simplest things, such as sugar and coffee – even toilet paper was rationed! It became a time of hopelessness and despair. But with the fall of Communism in Poland, and throughout the Eastern Bloc, God opened doors. Australian missionaries, Ken and Giselle Herweynen, and their three children, were one of the families to come into Poland after the borders had opened. Theirs is a story of faith, obedience, and God’s provision every single faith-filled step, every day…and continues still. Since January 15, 1993, when the dilapidated palace was purchased and paid in full by God’s provisions, Elim Christian Center has come alive. The main thrust of the mission is to bring Glory to God and to love those around us in Word and Deed. The motto is: “In serving you, we serve God”. The mission daily reaches out to the surrounding community with an unselfish sacrificial love, caring for their spiritual, physical, and emotional needs. Their love for God is manifested through the daily acts of love and kindness. The staff consists of six families who live on the property or nearby. The mission reaches out to the poorest of the poor and the neediest of the needy with God’s love through these programs: through feeding of the lunch meal to children from a nearby elementary school; a clothing closet that is supplied by the generosity of Elim friends from across Europe; crisis help and counseling; discipleship; and life skills training, as well as many other programs. Many in our area are familiar with the Nativity scenes, which are sewn by women in the community and provide income for their families. Elim Christian Center has a booth at the Ramstein Fall Bazaar each year. Elim’s vision for the future is to continue loving and serving God, which is manifested through loving in Word and Deed with God’s love…through relationship with Him and others. Throughout the years, many in the military communities across Europe, have been actively involved with Elim. Many youth groups from our military chapels have been going there on mission trips and contributing to the ongoing renovations that a 462 year old palace will always provide. Some church groups regularly provide special Christmas donations of gifts and food items. There are individuals and church-affiliated groups who help rebuild, paint, beautify and restore…others come for their “oasis” and restoration. There are opportunities to serve and provide supplies through donations. The mission is open to the public. Individuals and families are welcome to come and stay there for a visit for a nominal donation, reservations are requested. Location and contact information is: Ul. Palacowa 4, 59- 600 Lwówek Śl., POLAND, Phone: (0048) 75 782 4339, Fax: (0048) 75 782 3996, E-mail: [email protected] elimcenter.pl
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 17:06:59 +0000

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