Elisa Virayposted toWhat Difference Does IT Make? - TopicsExpress


Elisa Virayposted toWhat Difference Does IT Make? >WDDIM< [...this is the destruction of the GOP establishment. They would rather go after True Conservatism than do the right thing, do what is right and just for this country and her people. They only care about their own power ... their HEARTS and SOUL are the mirror image of the democrat liberal goons... TRUTH!!!] Having tried to sabotage Cuccinnellis candidacy from the start, these GOP actors are hoping for a Cuccinnelli loss and a big Chris Christie win (built on a Huey Long style of politics) to make the case that only big government Republicans can win and limited government, constitutional conservatives, such as Tea Party activists, are too extreme to prevail. Theyve already written the script. In fact, the GOP establishments attacks on the Tea Party, which is an obvious assault on conservatives and conservatism generally, are increasingly difficult to distinguish from Obama and the Lefts attacks on the same folks. The ruling class in Washington is clearly united in one respect: to wipe out conservative resistance to their corruption, cronyism, and nation-killing policies. breitbart/Big-Government/2013/11/04/The-RINOs-want-a-Terry-McAuliffe-victory-in-Virginia
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 19:12:23 +0000

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