Elise 4 Family or not family? She decided to err toward - TopicsExpress


Elise 4 Family or not family? She decided to err toward caution and drew her pistol. They met on the staircase. He stopped at the bottom step. She stopped on the top one. She recognized him instantly. John Cabot. Youngest of the Wolf Kings Enforcers, distant cousin to the Prince of Boston. Like all that line, he was tall, dark haired, fiercely handsome. As fitting to a wolf in the Kings service, he was dressed in an expensive wool slacks, silk turtleneck, and black leather jacket. He would have a BMW parked someplace; the Wolf King preferred German cars. Cabot would be unarmed. He didnt need a weapon to kill just about anything on the planet – natural or supernatural. Shed just been seriously outclassed. Cabot. She let him know that she recognize him. Grigori. He returned the favor, although he probably didnt have a first name to attach to it. Why do you have wolf blood in your car? She did? Since when? Damn – when she drove Decker and his puppy to Deckers house. One of your wolves made a mess. Im cleaning up. My question is: which of your wolves was it? Samuels. Another Enforcer? She breathed out a curse. What was he doing here? Who killed Samuels? He moved to the second step. She steeled herself against backing up. There was no place to run behind her. Theres a coven on the loose. They made a huntsman to track the lone survivor of the massacre. Thats why Im involved. Cabot retreated, growling. She risked moving down to the first floor. In theory they were allies. There been a peace treaty in place for a thousand years. They had hunted each other, though, for thousands of years before that. Simply put, they had no reason to really trust each other. Why was Samuels here? Thats the Wolf Kings business. It was. There are nine dead kids here. I thought it was ten. One was a witch. She doesnt count. The huntsman killed another six. Thats too big a body count for us to ignore. What the hell is going on? Cabot stared at her silently as he decided what he should and shouldnt tell her. Yes, he could take her. But if he killed her, he wouldnt find out what she knew. Obviously he didnt want to go back to his king empty handed. Elise knew the game he stuck at playing. You had to be twice as good as your cousin, and Cabots cousin was the Prince of Boston. Samuels was sent to protect the boy lives here. Hes one of our younglings. Shit. If the wolves claimed Joshua, they wouldnt leave him in Boston with Decker. She wasnt sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. Truth be told, though, she didnt trust wolves. Something about this didnt add up. These people arent wolves. Hed slipped through the cracks. Younglings didnt fall through cracks unless their entire pack was wiped out. The only time that happened in United States was with the Boston wolves. Joshua would have been thirteen. He had holes in his memory but the photographs of the mantle easily went back to when he was a toddler. Cabot took a step forward. Is he still alive? It was very, very dangerous to lie to wolves. They could smell your fear. Hear your heartbeat. The back door opened. The little unassuming house had turned into Grand Central Station. Who was next? Cabot glanced toward the kitchen. The huntsman killed him, she lied quickly while he was distracted. He started to look toward her, but shed focused on the newcomer. (Im unhappy with the term Enforcer but not sure what else to call them. I considered Knight but the Wolf Kings Knights felt clunky as did the Wolf Knights. Yes, yes I know about the whole Skoll thing but dont want use it since its been taken already. The Wolf Kings men just doesnt hack it nor does The Wolf Kings wolves.)
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 09:02:50 +0000

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