Elite families & individuals that control either banking, - TopicsExpress


Elite families & individuals that control either banking, industry, politics, or all of them are constantly talking about a New World Order/New International Order/Global governance. The United Nations has solid ties to a Luciferian society known as the Theosophical Society. Lucius Trust, formerly known as Lucifer Trust, is the publishing house that disseminates all of the United Nations material. Lucius Trust used to literally be located at 666 United Nations Plaza, New York City. Washington D.C. is laden with occult monuments & symbology, as are other major cities throughout the world. The White House literally sits at the apex of an inverted pentagram & anyone can prove this to themselves right now by using Google Earth to look at it. The Washington Monument is literally a phallic/fertility symbol that has its roots in the ancient mystery religions of Egypt . Every year in July in what is known as the Bohemian Grove society the elite of banking, industry, politics & academia meet in northern California to perform some sort of Babylonian ceremony before a 40 ft stone owl. & none of this is denied. You can see David Gergen, a political analyst & presidential adviser, being confronted about it on YouTube right now for yourself. Satanism has become pop culture in todays times. Hollywood & mainstream media is openly anti-Christ in nature, & opposed to His true teachings, while seeming to be fine & even defensive of other faiths. Hollywood actors & famous musicians openly talk about channeling spirits to play their characters & write their music. There are several documented quotes & videos to prove this. The Nazi party of Germany was deeply involved in the occult, & some members of the Nazi party were involved in the formation of NASA. Today there seem to be more & more rumblings about some sort of imminent disclosure of the existence of extra-terrestrial life forms & their supposed visitation of Earth. oddly enough, there appears to be a strong connection between the realm of the alien & the realm of the occult. The two top researches in the field Jaques Vallee & J. Allen Hynek, two agnostic men, both set out to debunk the topic of UFOs & the contact phenomenon. Both men came away with the same conclusion that the phenomenon was not inter-galactic, but rather inter-dimensional & even demonic. For some reason the people that claim to have experienced the abduction phenomenon have said that when the entities convey a spiritual message they want to talk about Jesus Christ & how we have Him confused here on earth. & they go on to say that these entities promote New Age concepts. If these claims are true, it should seem strange to us that these highly advanced beings have traveled millions (or billions?) of light years to us to deny Christianity & promote the occult. There have been several cases of claimed abductees stopping the experience immediately by calling out in the name of Jesus. The notorious black magician Aleister Crowley, friend of fellow occultist & NASA jet propulsion rocket engineer Jack Parsons, claimed to make contact with an entity that he chanelled one of his books through & drew a sketch of it: img233.imageshack.us/img233/3501/pmc3.jpg This entity looks stunningly similar to what we today would perceive to be an alien. Crowley was quoted as saying: Today we call them angels, demons, tomorrow they will call them something else. Ancient cultures throughout the globe have legends about the gods coming down & interbreeding with women & creating a hybrid race. People have suggested that these are tales of aliens operating some sort of hybrid breeding program, & mainstream media sources have popularized these theories with shows like Ancient Aliens. However, Scripture gives another account of these stories & says that the sons of God came down & mated with the daughters of men & created a hybrid race. Most Biblical scholars have interpreted these passages to say that the sons of God that mated with the daughters of men were fallen angels that rebelled against God. & reading deeper into accounts given in Genesis suggest that this was the main reason for the global flood, to destroy the attempt of Satan to pollute the blood line of mankind so that no Savior could be born. There are also over 500 legends throughout all of ancient culture of a global flood. People have asked me many times why I now believe in Christ & the Bible. I could really go on & on & on & on, but there it is.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 17:58:07 +0000

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