Elizabeth called me at Friday at 1:00 pm crying in pain- she - TopicsExpress


Elizabeth called me at Friday at 1:00 pm crying in pain- she thought her ear drum had burst- searing pain like a hot knife pulsing through her ear. Earlier that morning she had been so excited that she was going on a field trip and then returning to school for a party for good behavior students. Now, she begged me to pick her up early. When I picked her up she held her head in her hands crying. I drove home quietly prayer, she lay down on the bed as I told her a doctor would not see her unless we went to the emergency room. I put my hands on her head and started praying for her. There was a time I would have had a Smith Wigglesworth experience. Today, I just reminded God of his promises and asked him to touch her in the name of Jesus. I didnt shout, squeeze her head, nor demand that it be done. She neither encouraged, or resisted, the prayer. I left her still in pain and prayed again in the living room. I wanted her to see what I know- God does still heal and can do ANYTHING. I wanted her to experience that for herself. God is good, merciful, and cares about everything. If he wanted me to carry her to a doctor, I would and let the doctor get credit through the eyes of a child. But I rather God reveal himself to this child who once had the faith of David, but time and life were beating away at it. I heard her walking rapidly toward me, then saw her cradling her ear as she excitedly exclaimed, It doesnt hurt anymore- I think I healed it. What happened?, I asked. I was just lying on the bed, when I flipped off and hit my head and then the pain was gone. I fixed it. No. I told her, God fixed it- you dont hurt like that and then its just gone, unless its GOD. He knew what needed to be done and if it took knocking you off the bed to get it done- well there you go. He knew I wouldnt have hit you in the head. Would you rather he spit in it? put mud in there? Give him credit. I give God the glory- ALL good things come from him, regardless of how they get here- no coincidences. Our ways are not Gods ways and he will use even our pain to bring him glory. God does still heal- just give him the opportunity and know that he can AND will.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 13:30:33 +0000

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