Elul - The Month of the Tribe of Gad - 26th August to 25th - TopicsExpress


Elul - The Month of the Tribe of Gad - 26th August to 25th September 2014 We have now reached the final month before the new year which begins in September in the month Tishrei . It also marks the end time to get things right before the new season starts. It is in Jewish tradition a month of repentance and forgiveness . Again by Jewish tradition they have an expression that “the king is in the field” . This is time when the king would hold an audience with his subjects from within his tent right where they were in their working lives. In their schools,their field, their workplaces... For us as believers in Christ - the messiach we have the great experience of the fact that Jesus came to earth in the flesh completely and accurately representing the Godhead . John 1:14 Amplified Bible (AMP) 14 And the Word (Christ) became flesh (human, incarnate) and tabernacled (fixed His tent of flesh, lived awhile) among us; and we [actually] saw His glory (His honor, His majesty), such glory as an only begotten son receives from his father, full of grace (favor, loving-kindness) and truth. Colossians 2:9 Amplified Bible (AMP) 9 For in Him the whole fullness of Deity (the Godhead) continues to dwell in bodily form [giving complete expression of the divine nature]. We can partake of this great honour of God to invite us into His presence right where we are ..in our home , our school or university , our neighbourhood , our office or factory. He wants to meet us there. He will come and all we have to do is to receive Him with open arms ! God is wanting to step into our situations and just come alongside us in our place of greatest need . It is up to us to welcome Him into our life situation and give Him access to that which is weighing the heaviest at this time. He calls it the eye of the needle and it is where He is going to release us into the place of greatest blessing . Opening up the great expanse of His grand hall . But it is up to us to open up the small to obtain the greatest from God. He will come alongside us with His love and faithfulness into our situation. As we are coming to the final part of this year in the Jewish calendar and that’s the calendar God is on , we are entering a time where with diligence and spiritual insight from God , we can make things right that have gone wrong over the year . A time of revisiting our former problems and putting them right. There is anointing to do it this month. We are not alone in our walk and this month we should run into God’s tower of might. This means we access that special anointing and strength for the future as we prepare ourselves for the new year ahead. Moses went up Mount Sinai for a second time this month to replace the tablets broken by him because of the sinful behaviour of the people. God demonstrated great compassion , forgiveness and mercy . We too can enter into His special love this month if we get our hearts right . This means we must forgive others and release them from our judgement. There is a special love this month which is summed up by the very letters of ELUL . In Hebrew they spell out the starting letters of the phrase in the Song of Solomon 6: 3 “ I am my beloved’s and he is mine “ ( Ani L’dodi V’Dodi Li ) God wants to get closer to us , we need to let Him get closer . This works hand in hand with what we looked at earlier where He is coming to us as the king in the field ! Rebekah gave birth to Jacob and Esau this month . It is a nurturing or mothering month . We need to be aware of who is nurturing us and who we should be nurturing. But like the two sons of Rebekah we need to be aware of what is contending against us. God releases a special time in this month to be able to find out how we got where we are . Sometimes it’s bit rocky and we need to ask Him just what path did we take to reach this point of destiny . He will show us and help us to understand how to get back onto the right path especially if we’ve strayed off a bit. He gives us a spiritual compass to find our way. Being correctly positioned and connected in the body is so important to accurate function. We sometimes think we can get everything right on our own but when the wilderness experience comes ,and it comes to everyone at some point , that is the time not to be alone ! God has released an ability this month to reconnect with the right connection that maybe before the enemy had sold us a lie that we began to mistrust that potential connection . We have to move on in forgiveness and contend with the lies of the enemy ! Corporate or body ministry is all about right connections and relationships in order to foster Corporate function. This is synergy , where there is greater produce by teamwork than by adding up individual product. This is a month of organisation and management . We have been given such grace this month to look into our own hearts and character . This is the time to make sure that our emotions and actions are submitted to God . He is really there for us and has set before us blessing or curse . What will you choose ? Your choice will be with you as you prepare yourself to enter into a new year ! Next month is Tishrei the start of the new year and the fall feasts when we return to God to Experience His glory. Some important Hebrew dates :Rosh Hashana Sep 25-26 The Jewish New Year - Yom Kippur Oct 4 Day of Atonement - Sukkot Oct 9-10 - Oct 11-15 Feast of Tabernacles.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 07:31:42 +0000

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