Email from 02/03/14... Hey! I´m so glad that Austin´s - TopicsExpress


Email from 02/03/14... Hey! I´m so glad that Austin´s concert went well. I´m anxious to hear the CD. Tell Jakers to get better soon. Make him a power shake of OJ, Chicken Noodle Soup, Vicks and Nyquil. That should do the trick. I´m sure if he can get past the taste, he´ll make a miraculous recovery. This was another tough week. I´m going to continue blaming it on the vacations that everyone is taking. It´s been really difficult. All of the people that we invite to church commit and then don´t show up in the end. It´s been three or four weeks now without a single investigator at church. We´re in a drought! The one ray of hope is that we finally have a ward mission leader. After two long months, the bishop finally received the revelation that he needed and called one of the coolest guys in our ward to be our ward mission leader. He is like 23, an rm, works in public relations, worked for the church catering to apostles when they came to Chile to visit, etc... The list goes on. The point is that I´m happy that we finally have somebody that is on our side to help us out. I finally got Aunt Fys´ package. It´s about time. The mission secretary actually sent out an email telling people to simmer down about their packages and to be patient. It was really nice. I shared some of the candy that she sent me with the kids that we visit on a regular basis. Saying that they inhaled it would be an understatement. Please tell her thank you from me if you could! As you already know, the super bowl happened yesterday. A guy that´s preparing for his mission called me like every 15 minutes giving me the update. It was hilarious. I honestly didn´t care at all. It was mostly funny because of the lack of interest and knowledge of American Football here and the amount of enthusiasm. When he called me, he would scream every time something happened and then ask me what it meant. This week, we finally got the bright idea to put a bunch of Mormon Messages and church videos on my comps usb drive. One of the videos that we have been sharing lately is called Earthly Father, Heavenly Father. It is legit. Maybe you´ve already seen it. If not watch it real quick. It really made me think about all that you guys have done for me, without me even noticing. If I haven´t said so recently, thank you so much for all that you´ve done to feed, support and teach me throughout my life. I´ve been able to realize very profoundly recently the difference that it´s made: I´m getting more and more excited with every week that goes by. I´ve got to keep focusing until the end though. Take care, stay healthy and more importantly, stay classy. Love you all! Chao, Elder Hunt
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 03:29:29 +0000

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