Email from 02/24/14... Hey! BYU! Hurry up! I´ve been - TopicsExpress


Email from 02/24/14... Hey! BYU! Hurry up! I´ve been trying to focus lately but it´s been hard with BYU on my mind. Now I have to wait one more week until I find out. That should definitely go on the list of cruel and unusual punishment. I´ll just keep my fingers crossed I guess. I´m glad that the boys are doing well in their trumpet playing. Tell them congrats for me. That´s too funny that Austin didn´t even practice and yet he beat his arch-nemesis yet again haha. Everything is going well here. It´s starting to slowly get a little bit more chilly which has been a relief. I still haven´t gotten the package yet. I hope that it´ll get here tomorrow. We had something funny happen to us this week. We walked out of a lesson and started going to our next appointment. About ten seconds after leaving, we heard a guy behind us that started to shout ¨Elders!¨ at us. We turned around and waited for him to catch up to us. He came up and started yelling at us saying that if we ever talk to his family again that he was going to kill us. I told him that if he would show us where he lived, I would make sure not to pass by again. He just started yelling more at us. Then, he took Elder Jackson´s Book of Mormon and threw it to the ground. It was a little bit scary but we just picked it up and walked off as he continued to rant empty death threats. We forgot about and kept working as if nothing had happened. Yesterday, we were walking to an appointment and the owner of a local liquor shop walked out and started to talk to us. He asked us what had happened a few days ago when this guy had yelled at us. We told him and he just started to laugh. He said that it appears is if we are on the right team because once we left, the guy was crossing the street to go buy some beer from him and he face planted it big time in the middle of the street. He said that once he gotten back up and entered into his shop that all of his employees started to yell at him for the way that he had treated us. We saw him yesterday and he couldn´t even look at us. Too funny. You don´t mess with the God Squad. We´ve been trying to work better with the members recently. It honestly has been a huge pain. I know that members help and that the investigators gain a deeper conversion when members are involved but boy howdy is it a pain. We pass around calenders with the high priests, elders and relief society every week so that they can sign up to do splits or to have a FHE. It´s a pain because either we set stuff up with investigators and then last minute the members cancel or the investigators cancel last minute as well. The other companionship in our ward isn´t helping out much either because they don´t even show up to the stuff that the members sign up to do. Sometimes they even leave the members hanging when they had prepared lunch for them. It´s been a hectic process. The good thing is that I´ll be able to start clicking my heels soon and say ¨There´s no place like home¨ and end up in TN and not have to worry about the headache of coordinating appointments that don´t end up happening. KEEP YOU COMMITMENTS! ps I hate making phone calls... Okay, done with my rant. Moving on. Thank you both for your help with my college stuff. I wish that I could just have enough time to do all of this stuff personally. It wouldn´t be possible without you guys! Thanks! I´m sorry that my email was so short today. Corresponding with other friends and getting college taken care of is BIG work. Thanks for your continued support, love and prayers. Love you all! Take care! Chao, Elder Hunt
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 03:46:41 +0000

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