Email from 03/03/14... Hey!!! Well, that just made my week. - TopicsExpress


Email from 03/03/14... Hey!!! Well, that just made my week. That really was some great news reading that email. What a relief!!! The picture was also great. I wish you guys could´ve seen my reaction when I opened up the email and saw that I had been accepted to BYU Provo!! I got the package! Thank you so much. All of the Elders in my pension have been going nuts about the calendar. They´ve been begging me to reveal everything in April but I keep telling them no and that they have to wait to find out. Again, thank you guys sooo much! Well today we went to an awesome water fall and a tunnel that is called the tunnel of death because there were a bunch of murders in it a long time ago. We ended the day with a great lunch at some rural cafe. A brother from our ward invited us. It was great. I forget how much I miss the outdoors and going on hikes and fishing and stuff like that being here in the city so much. I´ve got pictures but my computer doesn´t work. I´ll send them next week. Elder Schwartz, one of my really good friends from my MTC group invited me to go out to eat with him and his parents our last Monday here in Chile. I accepted right off of the bat. I felt kind of honored that he would think to ask me to go out with him and his parents. I´ve got a few extra hours that day before I get on the plane so why not? We had a special conference this week with Elder Evans, the head of the church missionary department. It was really long but really good. I learned a ton. I wish that I could have heard his message when I was starting the mission because it completely changed my vision of missionary work and church service. It was great. We had to get up at 5:30 and head to the north mission to get there on time. When we got there, there was hardly any space due to the fact that there were over 1000 missionaries just like with Elder Holland. It was packed. We got back to our sector around six. I was dead. In fact I still am haha. He talked a lot about the family, focusing on having convert baptisms instead of just baptisms, working on building the church in our sectors and not just baptizing and whole bunch of other things. It was really good. I´m still scratching my head wondering how he was able to talk for so long. That gift must come with the calling. We were contacting a couple of months ago and we found a lady in the street named Sonya. She was baptized around 20-25 years ago and has no clue about any of the doctrine or our beliefs. She´s just like a new investigator. The only difference is that she´s already been baptized. Anywho, she´s already been to church and has been progressing but her big hang up was on tithing. We picked her up to go to a FHE and during the lesson she told us how she had been praying to be able to understand the law of tithing and that just recently she feels that it´s necessary and she said that she wants to start paying. It was a huge blessing. It just reminded me that the hearts of people can change any day. While we´re on the topic of tithing I thought I´d let you in on another experience. Anyways, they are putting a second floor on their house. Big deal right? Lots of people do that. We were walking by one day and they invited us to go in and see the progress of the addition. While on their second floor, I was looking over their street and on all of their neighbors houses. They are the only members on their street who are paying tithing and yet they have enough to survive and make a second floor. It wasn´t anything big by any means but it just reminded me how the Lord takes care of those who keep His commandments. We´ve had problems with people going to church recently. Nobody that we hope or think will go shows up. It´s not that fun being in sacrament meeting and seeing everybody else but your investigators walk in. The cool thing is that we had a random contact that we had made on the street show up along with a little girl how was going to get baptized a long time ago but flaked out on us. It was a nice surprise. We have been focusing more on working with the members recently in our sector. We had a really good family home evening with the stake president and his family along with our best investigators. It went really well. One of the best parts was that the sister made real brownies. I had forgotten the simple exquisiteness of just a brownie. Holy cow! I got word from my converts in Macul 2 that the sealing is still on for the end of this month. I´m sooo excited! I love you guys! I´m so excited to see you all soon. Take care and stay healthy and happy! Chaito, Elder Hunt
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 03:51:33 +0000

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