Email from the Council of Canadians: I know how deeply you still - TopicsExpress


Email from the Council of Canadians: I know how deeply you still want justice brought to those behind the robocall scandal. Yesterday, a small but important bit of justice was served. Former Conservative staffer Michael Sona was sentenced to nine months in jail and 12 months probation for participating in the Pierre Poutine voter suppression scheme in Guelph during the 2011 election. More critically, in his verdict Justice Hearn also made it clear that the ringleaders are still roaming free. You and I know that as long as the main perpetrators of the robocall scandal remain at large, there is nothing to prevent them from striking again in the upcoming election. Thats why Im so grateful for the generous support youve given the Council of Canadians to fight the so-called Fair Elections Act. In rewriting Canadas election laws earlier this year, the Harper Conservatives have left Canadians even more vulnerable than before. Youll remember that the Fair Elections Act strips key powers from the Chief Electoral Officer, making it harder to expose, investigate and prosecute voter suppression and fraud – like the robocall scandal. Worse still, it muzzles the Chief Electoral Officer from communicating about fraudulent activities to Parliament and the Canadian public. That means you are even less likely to hear about dirty election tricks being perpetrated in your riding and ridings across the country. The new law also moves the Commissioner of Canada Elections from its independent office to under the watch of the government of the day. Investigations into fraudulent activities will be vulnerable to partisan interference. Thats in part why the Council of Canadians has joined forces with the Canadian Federation of Students to file a constitutional challenge to the Fair Elections Act. Legal proceedings are set to begin in early 2015. And not a minute too soon, because this is the best chance you and I have to strike down these terrible new rules before the upcoming federal election. Im thrilled to update you that our legal team is hard at work building a powerful argument to present in court. More evidence and expert testimony is being gathered even as I write you. The Council of Canadians has created the Fair Elections Fund to raise public donations to cover the legal costs. Im delighted to say that thanks to generous donations from concerned citizens like you, almost 50% of the expected legal costs have already been raised! But were still well short of goal and the clock is ticking. Can you chip in a donation now to ensure this critical constitutional challenge is pursued for as long as it takes? Your support today will keep the Council fighting until Canada has truly fair elections for all. With hope and resolve, Maude Barlow National Chairperson Prefer to donate by phone? Call us toll-free at 1-800-387-7177 Prefer to donate by mail? Send your cheque payable to The Council of Canadians: The Council of Canadians 300-251 Bank Street Ottawa, ON K2P 1X3
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 02:45:06 +0000

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