Email from the union: Your Penalty Rates Are Under - TopicsExpress


Email from the union: Your Penalty Rates Are Under Threat Liberal/National Party Refuses to Say Whether They Would Support Employers Seeking to Cut Penalty Rates Last year the SDA faced a massive attack in the Fair Work Commission by employers on weekend and public holiday penalty rates in the retail and fast food industries. The SDA strongly opposed the case. The Federal Labor Government intervened to support the SDA and to oppose the employer attack on penalty rates. The SDA succeeded in defending Sunday penalty rates with the Federal Labor Government’s support. The employers intend to launch a new case in the Commission next year seeking to slash penalty rates. The Australian Retailers Association has already discussed cutting penalty rates with Liberal/National Parties spokesman on industrial relations, Senator Eric Abetz. Tony Abbott is already on record attacking weekend penalty rates and stating that a Government led by him could voice its support for a case to cut penalty rates before the Fair Work Commission. Now within the last fortnight Tony Abbott’s industrial relations spokesman, Senator Eric Abetz, has refused to say whether they would support employers seeking to cut penalty rates. The following quotes are from Senator Eric Abetz in The Australian 22 August 2013, he said “anecdotal clear that there are a lot of job losses occurring in the (retail and hospitality) sectors because of penalty rates”. He refused to say whether a Coalition government would intervene on behalf of employers seeking to cut penalties, saying: “I am not going to try and predict what our submission may or may not be” View the news clippings here Our members are lower paid workers and cannot afford a pay cut by having Sunday and public holiday penalties slashed. You should be very concerned that Senator Eric Abetz refuses to say whether a Liberal Government led by Tony Abbott would intervene to support employers seeking to cut penalty rates. The only logical conclusion is that a Liberal Government led by Tony Abbott will attack your penalty rates. It is your democratic right to vote for the political party of your choice on 7 September. But it is my responsibility to alert you to the threat to penalty rates so you can weigh up how you vote in the Federal election. Best wishes, Michael Donovan State Secretary
Posted on: Wed, 04 Sep 2013 07:45:10 +0000

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