Email received from Carmel alert August 1st 2014... Stefans - TopicsExpress


Email received from Carmel alert August 1st 2014... Stefans Comment: The Israel Hamas War of July 2014 For over 3 weeks now Israel has been engaged in a violent military conflict with the Gaza based terrorist organization - Hamas. The current conflict in Gaza between Israel and Hamas has many of the world leaders attempting to bring the violence to an end as the number of both Israelis and Gazans killed rises. Israel has already agreed to numerous ceasefires that were proposed, even to a couple that were proposed by Hamas, yet in every single case, including the ceasefires initiated by Hamas, they were broken by constant rocket fire into Israel from Gaza. It is no big secret that Hamas is not interested in having any kind of peace with Israel, and any current cease fire is only a pause until the next round begins, whether that be in a week, a month or a year. The reason for this is actually the reason for Hamas existence and the actual meaning of the word Hamas - violence (see the Hebrew Strongs Dictionary words 2554 and 2555), and not just any violence, but violence against infidels (i.e. anyone who is not a Muslim) and particularly against Israel and the Jewish people. We here in Israel are used to having enemies all around us that want to see us and any memory of our existence be erased from the face of the world. We have been experiencing this as a people for thousands of years already and we know that we must be strong and protect ourselves because no one else will. What disturbs me the most in this whole situation is the blindness and misunderstanding of the west in general, and many of those who profess Messiah in particular, to the situation in Israel and around the world. The world media loves to bash Israel and delegitimize her at any given opportunity, even when Israel and the IDF go to extreme lengths, more than any other army in the world in order to avoid as best as possible innocent casualties. Because of this the many reports and graphic videos of Christians being brutally murdered in the Islamic nations have been pushed aside and are seldom mentioned by any major news agency. What many people fail to see in their constant criticism of Israel and her predicaments with her Islamic neighbours is that Israel, the only democracy and free country in the Middle East, is in fact the buffer nation between the violence of Islamism and the pastoral lifestyle of the west. What most people see as a war that is far away from them is approaching them much faster than they think and will be soon knocking on their doors, if it is not already the case, Europe being a prime example of that. But the USA, Canada, and even the distant Australia and New Zealand are not far behind. This war is not a political one. It is not merely an ideological or religious one, it is primarily a spiritual war between the forces of darkness and the God of Israel. As believers in Messiah we are told that if we are not with God then we are against Him, and as it seems, most of the west including many believers are currently taking a stand against God by standing against Israel. Not to mention that before long the physical aspect of this war will catch up with the west as we see already in nations like the UK, France, Sweden and many other countries where Islam is taking over more and more neighbourhoods and even entire cities and districts, but the spiritual ramifications of such a stand could echo into eternity also. This is a time to be bold and speak out regarding what God is doing in Israel and with Israel, and how the situation here on the ground is effecting and will effect the entire world. You may be mocked, shunned, rejected or hated. Relationships may come to an edge, but we need to be strong and of good courage and speak out the truth in love. You never know who is listening and how the Holy Spirit will work in someones heart even if it doesnt look like He is or will. And even for those who do not understand the spiritual side of the issue, standing for Israel and the values that this nation represents against the onslaught of Islamic Jihad and its dehumanizing way of life is the only rational course of action to take. The Lord bless you as you bless Israel by standing in defence of her right to exist in the land given to the Jewish people by the God of Israel. Lets pray that Israel will turn back to their God. Do not be silent at this most strategic time, but share this with your fellow Christians, share it with your pastors, and with anyone you have a chance to speak to. Lets also pray a for break-through to the Muslims, and please remember to pray for all of the soldiers in the IDF - they are defending and fighting for the soon coming Kingdom of God. Shabbat Shalom .... David & Josie
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 13:08:02 +0000

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