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Email the Office of the Senate President Thank you! Your message has been sent to the Office of the Senate President. My name is Kelly Bostick, I am the great-niece of the DePalmas. In June, 2006, a man started contacting me and that contact quickly led to extreme stalking of my children and I, then my family. This man, Keith Patrick Berisford, has a twin brother Brien Berisford and both have a history of domestic violence and stalking other women in other States with additional injunctions. I have talked to a few of the other women. As I started doing more research the stalking escalated hard and fast. My Uncle Pat and Aunt Evelyn confronted this man as well as my brother and my son was escorting me places and trying to help. By October, 2006, my family was murdered. This man broke in my home and destroyed evidence while I was attending the funerals, I had to leave to file reports of that. I immediately informed Hernando County Sheriff of the stalking reports and injunction filed in Hillsborough County and the circumstances surrounding the same and let them know this man had left odd items at my home and I had them if they wanted them as well as photos etc. I never heard back from them. Until 2008. I started contacting law enforcement for assistance, being a single Mother I was greatly concerned for the safety of my children once I found out he was stalking them at school and their bus stops, he was breaking in our home and going everywhere, cyber stalking and calling obsessively. I started calling and initially Hillsborough County Sheriff Deputies would not file reports, then I started really fighting with them, this was serious and my instincts of survival and safety for my children were kicking in. Eventually I found unless I fought with the Deputy and insisted on reports nothing would be done, this man would come to my house and knowing I was going to call 911, leave then come back when the Deputy left, apparently watching from somewhere close. He was constantly breaking in my home, leaving notes and odd items, then unlocking all my windows in my home, I guess for a later return. I got to where it was so regular I was used to it, he wanted me to know he was there all the time and everywhere I went. My neighbors were trying to help watch and protect me. One was terrified one day she saw him come and leave she came to check on me and thought he killed me she called her husband at work because she found a note on my kitchen counter and was afraid to look in the back of the house. He was constantly hacking my computer files, remoting into my computer monitoring my calendars etc. Everything was happening so fast all the time and continuous it took enormous strength to try to keep up and keep my kids safe. The following are some of the reports I did get a Deputy to do, keep in mind this was a daily issue there are many instances that occured in parking lots of him approaching, all the local restaurants, grocery stores that have no report because they were rapid and he would come and go quickly driving different vehicles, his brother worked at a Lexus dealership in Tampa and they were using cars from the dealership to stalk us. he also took an insurance policy out on my car telling the insuror he lived with me, which he did not. He put profiles of me on dating websites and always included a picture of himself, he emailed from my accounts acting as if he were me, he took others identities to act as someone I knew like one of my friends to talk to me online including taking my childrens identity. I filed multiple reports with Match, Facebook, Google, Yahoo, LinkedIn (he was acting as a business contact) I also filed with the cyber internet crime offices via FBI. He created ficticious business addresses around me. There were also multiple 911 calls that are not listed here. Some Hillsborough County Sheriff reports from 2006-680494, 2006-679063, 2006-683380, 2006-693691, 2006-737011, 2006-85781. Injunction 2006-DR-019498 granted in 2006 due to expire in Dec, 2008. I actually fled my home with my children concerned for our safety for several years. I filed for an extension for the injunction that was expiring in December, 08 and missed the hearing due to my brothers tragic motorcycle accident which happened on 10/3/08, he was in a coma seriously injured, which I believe is also linked to this. Other reports, 10-439807, 11-23448, 11-116081. I filed for an additional injunction in 2011, 11-DR-011305 because the stalking escalated again. I contacted his wife, yes, he is now married and requested that she ask him to leave me alone and stop stalking, he apparently is telling her it is me and tried to file injunctions against me which I never knew about until recently because they were immediately denied by the Judge. I had to go to the courthouse to get copies to see what they said. It was ridiculous. Suddenly, 5 years in, after I file ANOTHER 3rd time, injunction he is going to claim it is me? In 2008, Detective Phil Lakin with the Hernando County Sheriff Office called us and told us he needed our assistance, that they were convinced these men were serial killers. I still had all the stalking information, emails, etc. Phil Lakin came to our home in Hillsborough County to get DNA from us and requested that we go to their office in Hernando to help and requested all my children go. We, of course, agreed to assist them thinking that we were finally going to receive help, and agreed we would all go together as a family. In the interim my son was lured there alone and despite my request to Detective Lakin not to interview my son until he had representation while he was on his way there or until I arrived they did and already had him being interrogated by the time I got there and refused to allow me to see my son. The interrogation went on for 14+hours and the other 4 children and I were locked outside of the Sheriff Office all night. Sitting on the ground waiting for my son, which they decided they were going to arrest. They told us he knew more than they thought and that he was there at the scene and that he was drugged. All lies, I was terrified. I fought again to enforce my sons rights, they told me if I stopped him from talking that they would arrest him, I said Arrest him for what??? They said two counts of first degree murder. I said you cannot do that, it violates his right to counsel/representation, ..guess what they did. Took my son. The nightmare of stalking and murder was not enough? Now they were taking my children?? They said he confessed I argued. The Detectives were harassing me and telling me that my son was going to rot in hell and never see the light of day and comparing him to Ted Bundy and me to Ted Bundys Mother telling me Yes, Ted Bundys Mother said he was a good boy too.. Terror, pure Terror. They arrested my son in April, 2008. Just before his High School graduation. He missed all of that as he was never allowed to return to school he was also in the process of talking to recruiters to join the Army which was delayed by 3 years because of his arrest. He currently has a permanent record of being arrested for 2 counts of first degree murder that will haunt him the rest of his life and had nothing to do with this crime. My daugthers were terrified at school and bullied that their brother was a murderer. Farthest thing from the truth. Being in a small town of Lutz, Florida and in the same home for almost 30 years, we were very deeply rooted in the community. Our community was outraged, we wanted to protest and my neighbors terrified, they all knew of the stalking yet, they took my son and never arrested the stalkers?? What?? Our community and all the children at the schools all the friends everyone was terrified. So, the stalkers were still stalking, they took my son, our only protector, and my family was murdered. Six months after my sons arrest, 10/3/2008, my brother was in a tragic motorcycle accident, he has Tramatic brain injury, permanent. It took me 3 years to get copies of the interrogation video and police reports as the Detectives continued to harass our family, the attorney we hired for my son refused to provide the family with the doumentation, pleadings or dvds and was cooperating with the Sheriff Department and the prosecution and not properly representing my son. Detective Lakin and Beetz were doing illegal searches without warrants of all my childrens friends vehicles and stalking the kids to do interviews with them without parents permission, they were going to houses and searching cars and buildings at night without warrants they even went to our home the day after my son was arrested without a warrant and they were out of their juridiction in Hillsborough County from Hernando County. Our community was outraged! The detectives also went through my childrens schools to access my children which is not legal that is how I found out that Detective Lakin previously worked for the Hillsborough County School Board prior to being at the Hernando County Sheriff Office. I requested his employment records from the school board and confirmed my suspicions as also in the interrogation video he asserts to my son remember in that law studies class at school when I showed you pictures of the crime scene?. He also lied on his application to the school board about previous arrests and an Article 15 apparently, they acknowledged that he did not disclose the information and hired him as security anyway. My heart breaks and I wonder how many other children/juveniles this man may have falsely arrested and had prosecuted?? MSNBC did a documentary on my sons false arrest and it aired in March of 2013. I have been fighting for assistance for 7 years this month. I have exhausted all my financial resources, given up everything I have ever worked for to fight for safety and survival for my children. I would like a federal investigation done to investigate the unjust impact of the victimization from both predators and judicial system had on our families and survivors.The killers are still free and the public is being deceived and my families lives were brutally taken. We are in need of protection and the people involved in this have failed the family miserably as well as the residents of Florida by releasing false statements to media. My childrens lives and educations have been severely compromised and put at risk. There is PLENTY of evidence of the actions of men who have stalked our family and we cannot get assistance. Please sign this petition to have these cases investigated for the severe misconduct of the agencies involved and help me. I have not been able to obtain legal representation and no one will touch these cases because of the politics involved. The only political thread I have been able to connect to has been that the Sheriff at the time of the murders and my sons arrest, Richard Nugent, got a seat in Congress shortly after. There is another connection I cannot share right now. Documentation has been provided to validate that as well. Finally, all of this is not just about us IT IS ABOUT YOU and your families, these people that have harmed our family co-exist with all of your children and our community. This is a probelm that impacts so many way beyond just us. There are killers loose, corrupt law enforcement. I realize this is something that has gone on for many years, however, I hope to bring attention to what happened to us so that maybe other lives will be spared from this horror. I live everyday in a live horror film that I cannot get help with. Please share and sign this petition before more lives are taken, please help me save who I can. We already have two dead and many severely physically or emotionally injured. Thank you in advance. I have created a Facebook page documenting much of the story, legal documents and will answer any questions I can. Here is a link to that: https://facebook/pages/Patrick-and-Evelyn-DePalma-please-help-solve-the-homicides/147987048640129?ref=hl Here is a link to the YouTube of the MSNBC documentary regarding my son: youtube/watch?v=HcALFqeX75E I am just a Mother, trying to protect her family. I am in continous fear of my life and the lives of my children. I have evidence of falsified reports, witnesses, videos I just need someone who will listen and give us an opportunity to become survivors in lieu of being victims, can you help? My son, who was falsely arrested just returned from his deployment to Afghanistan, serving the U.S. Army and this Country. My childrens lives have been plagued with stalking, murder, brain injury, false arrest and police misconduct, can you help us? Please? We will be homeless within a few months. I made it 7 years, this month is the anniversary date, I am exhausted and can no longer do this alone. Please, help my children. Thank you. I have previously contacted Hernando County Sheriff Internal Affairs, written multiple letters and complaints. Also, FBI, FDLE, US MARSHAL, DOJ, OIG, Violence Against Women, previous Florida Governor Charlie Crist, current Florida Governor Rick Scott, Attorney General, Pam Bondi, Senator Bill Nelson, Representative Dennis Ross, of course Representative Richard Nugent is well aware as he was the Sheriff in Hernando County at the time of the murders and my sons false arrest and personally watched all of this. I have also contacted President Barack Obama, ACLU, ACLJ and every domestic violence agency I could. I also had to go through Department of Revenue because ironically my child support was not enforced either and I wrote Bill Nelson about that. Our church, Idlewild Baptist Church in Lutz, Florida pastors and friends and families have assisted us as much as they can. I went from being a successful single Mother to being dependent on food stamps and losing everything I have and cannot even get a job because of all of this.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 14:23:40 +0000

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