Email—pastorquansah@gmail Calvary Road Baptist Church - TopicsExpress


Email—pastorquansah@gmail Calvary Road Baptist Church P.O.BOX 175 Mankessim Ghana West Africa Dear one in Christ, Greeting in the precious name of Jesus, I write to introduce myself and my ministry to you, I am Pastor Paul Baafo Quansah, of the above named ministry . I am, about Fifty four years old. I am married with five children. Not a long time ago the Lord called me to come to this remote area to start this mission work of church planting. Mankessim is about 35km to Cape Coast the capital town of the central region of Ghana. Mankessim is a historical town of the Ghana and a great rural Marketing center surrounded by fishing and farming Villages. The gospel is very much needed because of classes of people who comes to this rural commercial town .The people comes from their Villages during Marketing days which falls on Wednesdays and Saturdays, with their foodstuffs and fish to sell and buy other things to their home town. Because of this a lot of people visit the town , so if the gospel is being effectively proclaimed it will have a great impart on the people as the population of Mankessim is about four thousand people beside’s the people who comes and visit and buy and sell . But the town is deep rooted in paganism because it is the Ancestor home of A tribe in Ghana calls FANTI . There is strong ISLAMIC influence in this town. Most of the people are Muslims as the people are poor and the Muslims are using money to reach the people. They are bringing forth more children and also they are marrying the Christian women. The first Ahmedia missionary to Ghana came and settles in this town, so if you go to some of the Villages in this community they are all Muslims. Because of this the gospel must be communicated so that they will hear the word of God and be converted to prevent them from falling into the hands of religious extremist so that the rest of the world will be protected and live in peace. Because of all these things been numerated, the need of God word and the work of the ministry is very urgently needed. The ministry I am now doing are outreach to street children, as because of the economic condition in this country is very poor many people can not look after their children so they are on the street doing menial jobs and they will later grow to be became armed robbers . I am doing also doing outreach to people living with A ID S and bringing them the love of Jesus, as so many of them have being rejected by their families and those who had died, their children will be care for . The AIDS problem is very disturbing as many people are being infested. Because of, poverty, ignorance, superstition. I am also doing women empowerment, what I am doing is that I am given them skill training to have income generating ventures. For this I have contacted a technical person for the training. I have also given some of the women soft loans to start trading so that will have money to look after themselves and look after their children. As many of the men here have no work to do so they do not send their children to school. So most of the burdens are shouldered by the women. So the women are being empowered to look after the children so that they will not find themselves in bad company. I n the future I a plan to have orphanage home to cater for orphans in this community who do not have parent to look after them which is growing everyday because of the AIDS problem . I am doing all these without any support from outside this country, and the people in this community are very poor. For this and many other reasons, I find the task too weighty for me to do them alone, so I write to solicit your prayer, material and financial assistance. Also from all the children of God everywhere to come and help me fulfill the ministry God had giving to do in this rural community. The need for Bibles, Audio cassettes and teaching materials and used cloths are needed, People are coming to the Lord who do not have Bibles so the need bibles. Also there is a need for Christian Literatures. I will like to ask you if you can send people for a short mission trips to Ghana. Because I am doing outreaches to the rural communities, and I need help. Christian brothers and sisters who will come for short stay, doing house to house Evangelism, Open Air Crusades, Visitations to Hospitals and Prisons, Medical Outreaches, Tracks Distributions. The purpose is to bring more souls to the Lord. I have to give some of them cloths to wear, as some do not have cloths to wear to church .but if they get some, they will come to church so please come and help , I am also therefore appealing to you to pay a courtesy visit to us here in Ghana to see things for yourself. I will like you to share this letter with other Churches, Christian Groups, and Organizations. I will ask you if there are any websites that I can contact them for help I will be pleased to have their address. May the good Lord richly bless you all, hoping that this letter will be prayerfully be taken into consideration, counting on your usual co-operation knowing that I will hear from you soon. That you will show us the love of God. Thank you. Yours in his vineyard
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 15:02:22 +0000

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