Embarassing stories from your career? Let us hear them! I am - TopicsExpress


Embarassing stories from your career? Let us hear them! I am showing homes in the downtown area. It is a Sunday afternoon and I have a confirmation to “show direct”. This is Realtor-speak for “the seller will be at home and they will let you in.” We arrive at the home and I ring the doorbell. No answer. I ring it again…and wait. No answer. My clients are looking at me with this “did-you-not-make-an-appointment-for-this-house-you-idiot?” look but they smile patiently. I smile, double-check my notes and knock loudly. Then I call the listing Realtor’s office. “Wasn’t this an appointment to go direct? There is nobody at home.” The receptionist apologizes and gives me the code to the lock box, which is on the side door. Since there was obviously no one at home, there would be no need to call the vendor to alert her about the showing. I go around the house to the side door with my clients in tow. The door has an un-curtained, glass window pane and as I am bending over fiddling with the lock box, I take a look inside. I will NEVER forget what I saw next. As I look through the glass window I see a young lady carrying two huge watermelons. I see the watermelons come around the corner before I actually see the young lady. She is obviously protecting them by carrying them just above her waist so that they would not fall. I blink slowly and suddenly her eyes meet mine . . . . she lets out a little scream and a gasp . . . . one hand goes to her mouth and the other adopts the classic “fig-leaf-Garden-of-Eden” pose. Strangely, the melons she is carrying stay exactly where they are – defying gravity – or so it seems. The full impact of what I am seeing hits me . . . and then it hits her. She turns and sprints away from the door. I guess it’s only in the movies that people come out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around them. Carl Walwyn webMy clients look at me with a puzzled look (by the way, now they are both Facebook friends) and I explain that I would not be showing them that house today (or EVER) even though it seems to fit all of their needs. I hurry them to the car. Later, I call the listing office and cancel my appointment. I do not sell that house that day. remonline/embarrassing-sales-experiences/
Posted on: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 19:41:45 +0000

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