Embarrassing moment #2014-01 I was at the swimming pool and I - TopicsExpress


Embarrassing moment #2014-01 I was at the swimming pool and I got a mad crush on this guy named rob. I was going into the 9th grade and much to my dismay he was only visiting his mom for the summer- well, we were both swimming under water because I was trying to see how long I coils hold my breath because at the time I wanted to be a swimmer- and he scared the absolute crap out of me because I wasnt expecting to run face first into his junk. To make matters worse, I quickly backed away and when I did I kicked him in the junk to hoist myself away from him and quickly swim away because I was in the habit of kicking the walls of the pool to jet off in the water. Talk about most embarrassing moment of my life but he was still cool to me afterwards... Embarrassing moment#2 I am a product of the 90s- and to be precise in 98, I was in the third grade and in. Multi-age class meaning I had two teachers and they combined a class of third graders with a class of second graders I guess it was some social experiment. Some second grade kid puked in the hall and I had vision problems but accidentally karate chopped my glasses in half so I had to wait for another month or two to get another pair. Well the janitor came by and she put some powdered granule crap over the vomit to absorb it so she wouldnt have to mop it. I didnt see it because the granules camouflaged with the floor and the next thing I remember is disco sliding in the vomit puddle and both my teachers grabbed me at once- one grabbed one arm and one grabbed the other to prevent me from falling ass first into puke. Apparently I had it all over my legs from when I slipped in it and I had to wait in the office for someone to fetch me a pair of pants. The whole time I couldnt sit- and I was tall and bigger than most people in my class so they couldnt find me pants that fit and I had to call the lady I was living with at the time to bring me some pants. She wasnt home so I had to call my dad and I didnt have anything at his house so he brought me a pair of my older brothers wind breaker pants. So I go to class and as soon as I sat down in the desk, I slipped right out out of it like I was on a slide because there was no friction between the wind breaker and the seat on the desk. So embarrassing
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 07:14:13 +0000

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