Embarrassingly, I have done most of these. How many have you done - TopicsExpress


Embarrassingly, I have done most of these. How many have you done and can you add on..... You know you’ve trained Karate too much lately when… •The girl at the counter at McDonalds asks if you’d like fries with your burger and you snap out a sharp OSS! •Someone on the street bends over to pick up something and you stop and bow back at them. •Youre in the middle of a conversation at the office water cooler. The guy opposite reaches up to scratch his head and you jam a Gyaku-tsuki straight into his ribs without thinking. •Your dog jumps up to greet you and you shout YAME! •You reach across your desk for the stapler while providing face-cover with the other hand. •You kiai when you stub your toe or lift something heavy. •Your thumb is tucked in tightly when you shake hands with people. •Even peeling potatoes seems to strangely involve hip-action. •You pull socks on with foot down and toes back. •You return to YOI and bow out before leaving the dance floor. •Opening doors involves a reaction hand. •Every open indoor space you walk into, warehouse, ballroom, basketball court, you wonder how many people could be doing Kata there at once and what the monthly rent might be. •Your bathrobe belt goes around twice. •To rinse out the shampoo, you keep your eyes open and lower your stance to get under the water. •In a sales seminar, while the keynote speaker is presenting, you drop to one knee so the people behind you can see. •Vacuuming involves deep stances and kimae. •Every time you answer the phone you finish with Soto-Uke. •Your bathroom cabinet has only one tube of toothpaste but 8 jars of Tiger Balm. •You call your boss Sensei by mistake. •Your girlfriend reaches out to hold your hand and you block & counter. •Your mum hugs you and you tap out. Heres one from me - I once bowed into Shellharbour Square Sensei Bob
Posted on: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 01:47:04 +0000

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