Emergence of the Rainbow Tribe XXXVI: The Tribe Creates Vital - TopicsExpress


Emergence of the Rainbow Tribe XXXVI: The Tribe Creates Vital Changes “A Change Has Got to Come—Globally—Sooner Better Than Later” By Jay North & friend Jordon The following article is an original from Jay North, author of Open Spaces; my life with Leonard J. Mountain Chief The book is available at OneGlobePress Leonard and I were just hanging out on his ranch one day. The view from Leonard’s place looking up to the Lewis and Clark mountain range is breathtaking, especially during the spring wildflower bloom, and the turning of fall, as it was on this day. Leonard usually looked serene and happy, but not on this day. “Leonard,” I said, “you look sad today. What’s wrong?” “My boy, occasionally I become dismayed. My faith gets worn. I must admit it makes me sad.” He began to cry deeply. “A change has got to come,” Leonard said. My patience is wearing thin. When will people wake up?” he asked. “People everywhere are hurting one another. They seem to be unconscious and they are lying, cheating, stealing, hoarding, killing and raping each other, the land and the less fortunate peoples everywhere. Why does this continue to go on?” Leonard asked. “I am no Pollyanna,” he cried, “I know things are hard in the world and its a rough road. Even young children seem to have little or no respect for the older ones or their own teachers. I know a woman teacher who asked one of her students not to skateboard through the common areas, and out of hate, the student beat her with his skateboard. I know this is only one example, but this is what I see as the problem. Not even good manners are applied today. Where does so much anger come from? he asked. What makes people want to be so violent? I thought things were changing, but I see they are not. “Why do people continue to beat one another? Why do needless wars continue?” asked Leonard? Once long ago, I was the student of the shaman of our tribe and he taught us to have deep respect for our elders and to follow our roots very closely. What has happened?” he asked. “My prayers have not been answered yet. People have no trust in their hearts, and I cannot see why it is taking so long for them to wake up. I feel like I have failed,” said Leonard. “What is so hard for me to experience,” Leonard continued, “is that people know! Deep in their heart of hearts, people know the difference between right and wrong, good and bad, love and evil. But it goes much further into a deep understanding of ethics and morals. It is the cutting edge of kindness, gentleness, and doing good for our neighbor and our fellow man or woman. The cutting edge of goodness—that is the deciding factor in mankind’s survival on planet earth. “I have seen many great leaders in my life,” said Leonard. Along my journey, I have come to know great philosophers, statesmen, poets, writers, shamans, religious leaders, and many of your New Age spokespersons and healers. They have all recognized and spoken of love’s power and taught that clean hands make a clean heart. Yet why does stubbornness persist? I see people erring in consistent and huge numbers. I see world hunger; I see the air going so bad it chokes off the oxygen of children at play.” “Leonard, what is the solution to the problem?” I asked. “What is it you want people to see or do?” Leonard replied, “Love one another! Your books and teachers have covered these subjects very well. I want to see the lessons sink in. When people are able to operate from a place of heart, love, compassion, sharing, and caring beyond what they think they are capable of, they will prosper more than they ever hoped or thought possible. Just look at the last statement of your Jesus Christ dying on the cross, ‘Forgive them father, for they know not what they do.’ Jesus was trying to get us to love not only our neighbors, but also our enemies. What is so hard for people to understand about this?” Leonard asked. “How can people do that, Leonard? I asked. “By looking deeply and accepting the guidance of the Great Spirit. He will never lead people astray. People know what it means to do onto your neighbor as you would have your neighbor do onto you. People, even unconsciously, know the difference between peace and war, love and hate, friend or foe. No one in a human body on this planet today can say they do not understand these things except out of greed, fear, anger, untruth, mis-guided hate, and just plain stupidity. I have asked you several times in our walks to look, look closely into nature—she holds all of the answers. The love you feel for nature and the nature of man is the love this place needs so very badly. Especially right now.” “Why now? Why does this bother you so, Leonard?” I asked. “Can you just let it go the way it is going? A perfect world is not possible.” “Don’t you believe it,” Leonard said. “If I have taught you anything, my boy, it is to have faith and believe in all possibilities and in the natural goodness in man and woman, and that anything can happen—goodness is abundant,” he said. It starts in our imaginations and manifests through our dreams, thoughts, and actions. All life is possible, and all things are possible, with the love of the Great Spirit, the love that is in each of us. That’s how we got to these modern times, by dreaming big dreams, dreams that most thought were insane or not possible. Dreams of great love. Is Shangri-La possible?” Leonard asked. “Yes, it is,” he replied before I could answer. “What worries me and saddens me,” Leonard said, “is that I thought things had changed enough for more people to get this than have. A change has got to come, my boy. There is no other way, before we run out of time.” “Does this have to do with nuclear?” I asked. “Yes, that, and more,” Leonard replied. “It has to with water, air, with fossil fuel consumption, man-made diseases, greed by big-time world control powers, war, hate, fear, jealously, envy, rage, separation, and just plain stupidity. I was hoping to see major changes before I leave this place,” he said. Leonard bounded up with sudden joy. “Jay, here is a test for you. It is nothing new or original, just a test. Let’s see if we can make it work together: you and me, and everyone you know. Go now and find three people who need something, who require assistance in some way. It doesn’t matter what it is, how big or how small, rise up and lend a hand. Give, share, put yourself out, go off your normal path, and do something out of the ordinary for someone you know—or someone you do not know—even better that way,” said Leonard. “Ask them to recognize what you have done and do not ask nor take anything in return. But do ask them to do the same for three others. Go now. Help three and ask them to help three. Can you just imagine?” Leonard asked, and he cried with excitement. “While you’re at it, write your congress people and senators and ask them to do the same, only on a worldwide basis. Ask them to rid the books of useless out-of-date laws, such as the Ghost Dance being against the law, and to operate from a place of love and ethics. ‘Whose ethics?’ you may be asking. Their own ethics based on good. Good for the most people everywhere. Good for the environment, the planet, animals, plants, the water, and the rocks. They will look and they will know the creation you are intending by looking into their own hearts. If they do not, elect new ones who will,” Leonard said. “Go now, my boy, save the planet from blowing away. Look at all the things you can do for someone today, every man, every woman, every child. Just start with three and ask them to do the same. “Here’s one more challenge. Before you go, find a way to create world peace and save the environment and planet Earth from destruction. No, too heavy?” Leonard asked. “Okay, just go and do good works for three.” “A change is going come,” said Leonard, when we come from the highest place of the Great Spirit, love, ethics, morals, and deliberate compassion. There is no other way. Let’s see if we can wake some more folks up before we run out of time. Even the Dalai Lama said, ‘This is the place for people to become free.’ Call it, ‘Share to Three.’ “Love one another. It sounds so simple. But its like Freedom of Speech in the sense that we want to do it when it is our way—but when it has to do with anothers thoughts or words or actions, we start back-pedaling, and fast. What does it mean to love one another? What is love? Love is unconditional. It has to be—or it is just liking a lot for a time. Unconditional love loves you when you are otherwise unlovable. Can I love you if you believe differently than I do? Can I love you if you hurt me or someone I love? Can you love me when I am wrong? Can we help one another? Love for one another, as The Great Spirit put it, loves whether we like another person or not. We can dislike someone, their actions, or their ideas, but we are still charged to love them. Loving them is being willing to accept that they are just as entitled as we are to think, believe, speak and act and know right from wrong. This is in their hearts, Leonard said. Loving them is wishing the best for them, doing for them, even if they do not feel this way about us. Most of all, love is acceptance, and this is what Leonard longed for. What a world! Acceptance, love for one another, apart from looking, acting, or thinking alike. Apart from what differences we have. No, we never have to like what we believe is wrong, but we will come a long way when we learn to love people despite our differences and go out of our way to show it. Let’s go out and share this love with three we meet today. More, I Have A Dream; from Jordon I have a dream. I dream that all loving, compassionate, positive minded and action oriented individuals that seek to change this world in a positive, uplifting way will come together and join forces so we can collectively change this world to what it is meant to be, paradise on earth. Today, there is a movement among the people of earth in which this world has never seen before. People are waking up to the calling for change. New paradigms are being sought and discovered. New levels of human consciousness are being felt and it’s catching like wildfire. In no other time in history have more people been so concerned for someone other than themselves. What was once lost is now being found. Love, compassion and integrity are the new standards replacing the materialistic focus of the past. In this vision there is no need for money for true wealth and happiness are not things that can be acquired or purchased. There will be no need to seek happiness in the possessions we falsely believe we possess because true happiness comes from within. The world is changing and I can feel it. I have been blessed with being able to connect with likeminded people across the globe and have been actively involved in this movement for many years. It is because of the internet and the scale of global communications that this movement and effort has multiplied in force over the last few years. You tube; Facebook, twitter and the internet itself have truly revolutionized the way we communicate today. Something meaningful or just plain funny or silly can reach over a million people in less than a day. This is the power of change today. Every day I see new groups starting up from all over the world. New faces adding new energy and life to this growing, positive movement for real change. It’s an amazing experience to be part of a movement that deep down I know is going to revolutionize how we live in this world. There is a large effort being put forth from a large number of individuals across the world and it is changing, but these efforts are mainly sporadic and unorganized. What would happen if we could somehow collect the efforts and organize them into a positive force that this world would never be the same again? What if we were able to all join together and work in unison to accomplish a singular goal of changing the world? What would happen if 500, 5000, 5′000′000 positive minded, action oriented individuals worked collectively everyday to actively pursue the dream of paradise on earth? Something BIG would happen. The collective shift in consciousness would be so great that those who have been asleep would wake from their dream like state and would join the movement and the rest would be history. It truly wouldn’t even take that many people. A few thousand passionate people working together would be all it would take for some major shifts to take place. There are hundreds of thousands of those individuals in the world today, working their best to change the world to a loving, compassionate planet. What if those hundreds of thousands of people came together, under one organization whose only mission was to be the change it wished to see in the world? Everyone would and could still do what it is they are doing, but they would be doing it with the help and energy of the other thousands of likeminded individuals across the globe in an organized fashion, their efforts being multiplied by every member. The internet has really afforded us a place where we could gather under one so called “roof”, a website where each of us could participate in each other’s efforts to help change the world. Mentors, students, neighbors, movers and shakers, spiritual leaders and great minds, all together, working together to actively make positive changes in the world. All of the solutions to all of the world’s problems are already here. But we have to actively join our forces to be able to actualize them because the solutions are going to take the efforts of the whole world, not just individuals. If everyone in the world picked up 1 stone and placed it on the ground, we would have 6 billion stones sitting on the ground. If 6 billion people picked up a stone and placed them together, we would have a mountain. That’s the difference. To shift this movement to the next level, we need to combine our efforts to make a mountain. This is the next step in our evolution. To combine our forces together and work as one unit. Please help me change the world. Help join the groups and people of the world together so there can be organization in our efforts. This is my call to you. To the world. A call for help. A call to unite our efforts. To join forces and collectively uplift the consciousness of the world so we may experience the true love and abundance which is already here. We need your support! Emergence of the Rainbow Tribe XXXVI; please go to OneGlobePress and make a purchase today, Love and Peace, Jay & J
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 02:42:39 +0000

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