Emigration of Indigenous Manipuri people Every year thousands - TopicsExpress


Emigration of Indigenous Manipuri people Every year thousands of Students from Manipur flock to different cities of India for education and jobs. Not a single wants to come back to Manipur. During this emigration process, Manipur lose talented people as well as money, but the Indian cities gain from these hardworking educated emigrants. Further, children of these emigrants grow up in the culture of their adopted homeland. When these children grow up and want to settle down they need to find their matching partners. ------------------------ During the the same time, Manipur also gets her own share of immigrants from several villages of India, but mostly Bengalis/Bangladeshi and Biharis. However these immigrants are mostly uneducated laborers (we do not know about their past involvements either). This is in addition to the various settlements of Marwaris, Punjabis, Nepalis, Tamils immigrants in huge numbers. ----- So, when these outward and inward migration processes continue for another 20 years, what do you foresee? What could be the effect on the Indigenous people of Manipur?
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 01:57:56 +0000

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