Emily and I had a very eventful afternoon. Shortly after - TopicsExpress


Emily and I had a very eventful afternoon. Shortly after lunch Keren came to get me and told me that an OB had a major bleed in the bathroom. She was carrying a mop and Pinesol. When I got to the room everything seemed to be under control. Her BP was fine, no contractions (although she was in pain), no leaking fluid. Jim looked at sonogram and thought the placenta was a little weird. Previous sono showed no tendency towards a bleed (low placenta). Babys heart was slower than normal. Moms was faster. Jim debated looking in the vagina as sometimes that can start things happening that you dont want to happen. After a moment he took the plunge - and a good thing. She was completely dilated and had bulging membranes. Keep in mind that Mom is only 31 weeks along. Jim says, take the sono and go. Get a delivery kit, Emily youre going along. Chux on the back seat, mom and Emily in back, Dad in front. Praying as we go out the gate. Called Dr. Erno at MSF Leogane to tell him to get ready (he didnt) and away we went. We made it there in close to 15 minutes. 2 contractions as we entered Leogane. Those who have driven with me in normal conditions know it was a fun ride. As we approached the hospital Emily says, her water broke. MSF opened their gate and I gunned it for the ER. As we were coming to a halt, she says, the cord is hanging out. I said stay put, ran into the ER and shouted delivery in my car. An orderly walked out quickly and then went to get a wheelchair. I went to tell the delivery room girls to get ready and what was going on. By the time we returned Emily had a tiny baby in her hands slapping the back. No signs of life. Lots of blood. Orderly takes baby and we get mom in a wheelchair. By then finally another male comes to help. Into the Delivery room they go. They cut the cord and get baby to the warmer and begin resuscitating. No pulse, no breaths, all gray, no muscle tone. Mom is ordered up onto a bed. She seems to be fine. Im giving them as much info as I can remember as everyone works. I went to help Emily clean up the car and see that I have a chart there so go to make a copy for the midwives. When I deliver it they all ask me what time was the baby born? Maybe 10 minutes ago. By then they have a heart beat but still no respirations. Baby looks pink as they bag her. This is the moms fifth baby. The rest were born at home with no complications. We often go from a reasonably calm day to - things are falling apart at an alarming rate - in the clinic. Life can be like that too. One minute youre eating dinner and the next youre hanging on for dear life as everything around you shakes. How reassuring to know that God is there every minute of every day. When there is no time to yell anything but HELP ME GOD! He was there ready to do so. We dont have a mom or baby name to give you for prayer but God knows them well. They are a Christian family. Thanks for holding up our hands as we make mad dashes or clean up stinking rotting wounds. We appreciate our prayer support!
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 22:42:11 +0000

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