Eminent Citizens should Avoid Appearing in Commercial - TopicsExpress


Eminent Citizens should Avoid Appearing in Commercial Advertisements Prof Dr P. K. Jena India is marching ahead with rapid industrialization to achieve better socio economic status in the world. In this process, in order to meet the increasing needs of its growing population, a large number of essential commodities are being produced in the country by thousands of companies in different sectors. To sell these products there is keen competition between the producing companies. Each and every company is spending large amounts of money in advertisement to enhance number of customers through various attractive means. In this process, they are utilizing the services of some eminent personalities in our society particularly in the areas of cinema, cricket and other sports. Starting from the commercial advertisements for hair oil, soft drinks, noodles, soap, cement and gold to tractors and automobiles, - these eminent personalities appear and plead to the common mass to purchase those items. Common people purchase those items by believing these eminent persons as they value them very much. In this process, the publicity gets priority over quality of the consumables. When we witness these eminent personalities in such commercial advertisements, many of us get surprised with a feeling that, these persons are not pleading from the core of their heart to purchase the particular items. However, after finding them in such commercial advertisements and then seeing them addressing some social uplift or educational programmes, one becomes a little uneasy. The impact of their personality and seriousness in the concerned matters are not felt very much. After placing these eminent personalities at two diverse places - that is one in commercial advertisement and other in educational and social reforming platform, - one gets seriously confused. However, our society is fortunate that, the eminent personalities in important nation building areas like education, science, technology, social reforms etc. do not appear in the commercial advertisements. India at present has got the highest percentage of youth compared to all other countries in the world. We want this younger generation be more productive and better citizen by living in a healthy and progressive society. In this task, all eminent citizens of our country in different walks of life should render their valuable services to groom the younger generation. Therefore, it would be nice if eminent personalities in cinema, cricket and other sports avoid appearing in commercial advertisements. Rather they should spend their available time for educating the common people and reforming the younger generation in our society. They being comparatively more popular their involvement will go a long way in grooming our younger generation. -The author is Ex-Director General, CSIR, India. He is presently working was Chairman, Institute of Advance Technology & Environmental Studies (IATES). He can
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 16:51:33 +0000

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