Emma still needs prayers!! Update from Amy Mellon Mitchell My - TopicsExpress


Emma still needs prayers!! Update from Amy Mellon Mitchell My lil sleeping beauty......... Emma has slept all day again today. Praise God she is still fever free, blood pressure is under control, no nausea or throwing up, and no drainage from her incision! Truly all answered prayers! Every time it seems we take one step forward we seem to take 10 steps back. We will continue to take one step at a time! Emma is still having head pains but she has had less morphine today. Yesterday we were also told that Emmas thyroid is showing early signs of not working properly. This is caused from Radiation and we were told its very common in brain tumor survivors....... This gave me chills when the doctor called my baby a survivor. Emma was placed on a thyroid medicine and will be retested in six weeks. We are seeing the results of what the chemo and radiation can do. We will continue to stay strong and keep fighting everything that comes our way. If Emma does have another leak she will have to have a drain tube placed in her spine. We do not want this tube! God can and will heal Emma!! Please keep praying that Emmas lil body will begin to heal the incision and she can get stronger. Im so ready to see Emma playing again! We give God all the glory! He is here with us in room 804! God never leaves our side! We have been blessed with some amazing visitors today and Emma has lots of surprises when she wakes up! Please pray for all of these lil fighters here with us. These children are amazing and are so strong in their fights to live! Their families are awesome too! Thank you for loving us and faithfully praying! Keeping our FAITH bigger than our fears! Big hugs and love!!
Posted on: Wed, 09 Apr 2014 22:08:40 +0000

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