Empire culture is built on mono-culture which in turn is is built - TopicsExpress


Empire culture is built on mono-culture which in turn is is built on multiculturalism. Without each culture retaining a common identity, practices and ethnicity all that remains is the corporate state led by the most powerful political and cultural financiers with the expressed goal that we are to become a standardised Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians with specific externally governed cultural beliefs, behaviours, language we are all sure to lose our diversity and its inherent worth. Anyone who claims to love diversity and at the same time loves multiculturalism in its current incarnation that is playing out across the planet is ignorant of the blatantly obvious fact that within a short amount of time the peoples mix together until very little remains of the diversity the multiculturalist claimed to love. In fact much of what is termed multi-culturalism is in reality malassimilation for a period to profit off the conflict moving into standardisation of the once unique peoples. Multiculturalism has become a politically correct ideology and few people are questioning what it really means or how it is playing out - Malassimilation synthesising into Standardisation - that is being incorporated into /conforming to/being consumed by this new global state. This sets peoples up to be ruled over by a global state of self-appointed elites’, a chosen people of internationals. This is not to say that people have to stay where they come from or that people shouldnt mix according to what is right for them as individuals and voluntarily harmoniously assimilate into a different culture but that we should discover and celebrate our respective roots and respect/tolerate the diversity of humanity. That we continue to retain our cultural identities and even further diversify as anthropologist Henry Harpending has observed. Harpending maintains that human populations are actually diverging from one another, as opposed to melding into a single population. Harpending stated “Human races are evolving away from each other [...] Genes are evolving fast in Europe, Asia and Africa, but almost all of these are unique to their continent of origin. We are getting less alike, not merging into a single, mixed humanity.” There is a reason the planet produced such diverse people from different lands and is an incredibly naive, anti-nature, anti-biology statist cult belief that we should disregard our lands and peoples in favor of an artificial state devoid of any real connection the people have to their native lands from which they sprang. Australia or New Zealand has always been a mere business, a trading post, producing cannon fodder and fuel for a foreign Empire ruled by an ethnic minority of usurous bankers and inbred plantagenet royals, so I am talking real human culture here not some politically correct corporate policy nonsense. I do not believe in one leash for one neck, not everyone should be compelled to be the same. Some might call me racist for these statements but I assure you the man or woman who makes such a baseless claim has no idea what the state or government or usury is and is far too stupid to grasp these concepts. I love all the peoples but its not best for every culture to be malassimilated, standardised, genocided and placed under the same centralised rule, that is the real racism. The real racism is not allowing other cultures or races to exist freely. The real genocide is globalisation and the corporate empire culture artificial state dominated by a self-selected chosen minority who subscribe to a globalist worldview, practice usury and do not respect other lands or peoples. genocide (n.) 1944, apparently coined by Polish-born U.S. jurist Raphael Lemkin (1900-1959) in his work Axis Rule in Occupied Europe [p.19], in reference to Nazi extermination of Jews, literally killing a tribe, from Greek genos race, kind (see genus) + -cide. The proper formation would be *genticide. Generally speaking, genocide does not necessarily mean the immediate destruction of a nation, except when accomplished by mass killings of all members of a nation. It is intended rather to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aimed at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves. [Lemkin] Earlier in a similar sense was populicide (1799), from French populicide, by 1792, a word from the Revolution. This was taken into German, as in Völkermeuchelnden genocidal (Heine), which was Englished 1893 as folk-murdering. Ethnocide is attested from 1974 in English (1970 in French). https://youtube/watch?v=eiaMKUL-GSY
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 19:32:23 +0000

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