Employees are protected from hazardous working conditions by the - TopicsExpress


Employees are protected from hazardous working conditions by the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations. One of the regulations says that no employee should be exposed to 2b carcinogens if a safe alternative is practicable (Section. 5.57.1 www2.worksafebc/Publications/OHSRegulation/GuidelinePart5.asp#EL_Table) EXCEPT for wireless radiation because it falls under the guideline set by Health Canada, Safety Code 6! Worksafe BC is in the process of updating their regulations, but is not considering changes to this section. www2.worksafebc/enews/PRD/130625/_story1.htm The changes are at worksafebc/regulation_and_policy/public_hearings/assets/pdf/2014ProposedAmendments/Part5.pdf This exemption applies to many people e.g. teachers who are now exposed to strong wifi modems all day each teaching day, people working in libraries, cafes, coffeehouses where wifi is on all the time, nurses and doctors who must wear wireless pagers and use wireless PCs. We all know SC 6 is out-dated, inadequate, and Canada’s exposure level is one of the highest in the word. Many studies show that significant harm can occur as a result of prolonged exposure to this radiation. Why is Worksafe BC hiding behind something that is not a law, e.g. SC 6? RF radiation is a 2b carcinogen just as are DDT, lead, many industrial chemicals. Why the cherry-picking? Why aren’t all 2b carcinogens being treated equally? SC 6 itself allows for provinces and other agencies to establish different, stronger guidelines. There is no justification for this loophole. I hope that you will consider writing to Workplace Safety about this, asking why some employees are being protected more than others? Now is the time to put pressure on this agency.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Jul 2013 14:02:48 +0000

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