En caso de que a uno le ofendan algunos chistes, la respuesta más - TopicsExpress


En caso de que a uno le ofendan algunos chistes, la respuesta más lógica sería ignorarlos blablablá (esto ya os lo sabéis) o hacer chistes también. Hacer chistes sobre ateos y agnósticos debería ser fácil, facilísimo. Tenemos de todo: cinismo, arrepentimiento final, escepticismo como ¿respuesta? mecánica a todo...o como diría un colega cristiano: ¿cómo voy a meterme con vosotros si os importa una mierda? Encontrar chistes buenos en general es muy difícil, sed benévolos y agradecidos. Ofensiva total contra ateos y agnósticos 1 Atheist: What’s this fly doing in my soup? Waiter: Praying. Atheist: Very funny. I can’t eat this. Take it back. Waiter: You see? The fly’s prayers were answered. Q: What does a dyslexic, agnostic, insomniac do? A: Stays awake all night wondering if there really is a Dog. During the Reign of Terror of the French Revolution, one mornings executions began with three men: a rabbi, a Catholicpriest, and a rationalist skeptic. The rabbi was marched up onto the platform first. There, facing the guillotine, he was asked if he had any last words. And the rabbi cried out, I believe in the one and only true God, and He shall save me. The executioner then positioned the rabbi below the blade, set the block above his neck, and pulled the cord to set the terrible instrument in motion. The heavy cleaver plunged downward, searing the air. But then, abruptly, it stopped with a crack just a few inches above the would-be victims neck. To which the rabbi said, I told you so. Its a miracle! gasped the crowd. And the executioner had to agree, letting the rabbi go. Next in line was the priest. Asked for his final words, he declared, I believe in Jesus Christ the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost who will rescue me in my hour of need. The executioner then positioned this man beneath the blade. And he pulled the cord. Again the blade flew downward thump! creak! ...stopping just short of its mark once more. Another miracle! sighed the disappointed crowd. And the executioner for the second time had no choice but to let the condemned go FREE . Now it was the skeptics turn. What final words have you to say? he was asked. But the skeptic didnt hear. Staring intently at the ominous engine of death, he seemed lost. Not until the executioner poked him in the ribs and the QUESTION was asked again did he reply. Oh, I see your PROBLEM the skeptic said pointing. Youve got a blockage in the gear assembly, right there!
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 06:28:54 +0000

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